Native Americans practice, preserve, live indigenous languages (fwd link)

Phil Cash Cash weyiiletpu at
Mon Dec 2 23:05:43 UTC 2013

Native Americans practice, preserve, live indigenous languages
Native Americans practice, preserve indigenous languages

By Andi Murphy >> amurphy at, @andimurphy on Twitter

LAS CRUCES >> Donald Pepion's parents attended boarding schools at a time
when Native Americans were not permitted to speak their language. "It was
hard to be Indian," said Pepion, a member of the Blackfeet tribe of
Montana. "So as a result of that, they didn't use the language at home a
lot. We know that in both boarding schools and mission schools kids were
abused if they tried to use their language or tried to express any of their

Through forced assimilation many tribes lost vast amounts of their culture
and language, he said.

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