How to save an endangered language (fwd link)

Phil Cash Cash weyiiletpu at
Mon Dec 2 23:03:55 UTC 2013

*How to save an endangered language*

By Lisa Phu
Posted on December 1, 2013 at 7:30 pm
Category: Alaska Native Culture, Featured News

Speaking an endangered language at home is the essence of language
revitalization, according to author Leanne Hinton. She’s written the book
Bringing Our Languages Home and was recently in Juneau for the Tlingit
Tribes and Clans Conference.

Mischa Jackson and her husband are speaking Tlingit to their 10-month old
baby Michaelyn.

“We do little words and phrases and commands at home and try to expose her
as much as we can to elders that speak conversationally, so she can just
hear it. And she loves to hear it. It gets her attention better than
English does,” Jackson says laughing.

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