
Steven A. Gustafson stevegus at
Thu Aug 12 14:01:29 UTC 1999

Patrick C. Ryan wrote:

> As for Etruscan *itu-, 'divide', I believe it is only attested in a Latin
> gloss; and we know these were not always reliable. For a Latin *ituare (does
> it exist? my dictionary is not large {?} enough to include it), it would
> seem to me that IE *ai-to-, 'portion', would provide a simpler source.

I don't believe there is an *ituare or *ituere attested in Latin.
Traditionally, according to Pliny the Elder, -idus- is related to the
root of -divido-, 'divide,' which is obviously di- added to *vido; and
that would also relate it to -vidua-, 'widow;' apparently the root
meaning, still present in Latin in the verb -viduo- was -separated-; and
this sense carried into French -vide-, 'empty'.  The loss of the v- in
-idus- would seem to me to present a problem with this traditional

[On another topic; I checked Thurneysen's Old Irish grammar, and
apparently Old Irish did -not- count by scores; they formed the ordinal
eighties, nineties, and all the rest with a suffix -mogo, e.g.
-seachtmogo-, -ochtmogo-.  The Welsh dictionary -Y Geiriaddwr Mawr-
(sp?) gives eighty and ninety both ways; they seem somewhat simplified,
since they are not suffixed forms, but simply descriptive analytical
statements; ninety is merely -nau deg- or -pedwar ugain a deg-.]

Steven A. Gustafson, attorney at law
Fox & Cotner:  PHONE (812) 945 9600   FAX (812) 945 9615

Ecce domina quae fidet omnia micantia aurea esse, et scalam in
caelos emit.  Adveniente novit ipsa, etiamsi clausae sint portae
cauponum, propositum assequitur verbo.

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