Greater Anatolia colloquium program

Robert Drews drewsr at ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu
Wed Dec 8 19:38:43 UTC 1999

	Greater Anatolia and the Indo-Hittite Language Family

Announcement has already been made that on March 17-19 of 2000 a colloquium
on the above  topic will be held at the University of Richmond. The program
for the three-day colloquium has now been completed and is published below.
Assuming the Indo-Hittite theory as a point of departure, the organizers
hope that the colloquium will explore but also narrow the possibilities for
the relationship of Greater Anatolia (everything from the Aegean to the
Caspian, and from the Caucasus to the Jazirah) to both the Anatolian and the
"traditional" Indo-European branches of Indo-Hittite.

Public lecture at 7:30 PM on Friday, March 17, in the Virginia Museum of
Fine Arts:

Professor Lord Colin Renfrew, Disney Professor of Archaeology, and Director
of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge

		"Indo-European Origins: The Case for Anatolia"		

Reception following the lecture.  Classical World Galleries will be open.

Saturday morning session: 9:00AM - 12:00 noon, in Room 118, Jepson Hall,
University of Richmond

9:00: Welcome
      Stuart Wheeler, Chair, Department of Classical Studies, University
      of Richmond
      David Leary, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, University
      of Richmond

9:15: Opening remarks
      Robert Drews, Professor of Classics and History, Vanderbilt Univ.,and NEH
      Visiting Professor of Humanities, Univ. of Richmond

9:30: Elizabeth Barber, Professor of Linguistics and Archaeology,
      Occidental College
      "The Clues in the Clothes: Some Independent Evidence for the Movements of
10:15: Intermission

10:30: Paul Zimansky, Assoc. Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology, Boston
       "Archaeological Inquiries into Ethno-Linguistic Diversity in Urartu"

11:15: Peter Kuniholm, Professor of History of Art and Archaeology, and
       Director of the Aegean Dendrochronology Project, Cornell University
       "Pinning down the Date of the Black Sea Inundation"

Lunch 12:00 to 1:15

Saturday afternoon session: 1:15 to 4:30 PM, in Room 118, Jepson Hall,
University of Richmond

1:15: Colin Renfrew, Disney Professor of Archaeology and Director of the
      McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge
      "Proto-Indo-European in Anatolia: Some Problems and Questions"
2:00: Jeremy Rutter, Professor of Classics, Dartmouth College
      Critical response to the first four papers

2:30: Discussion

3:00: Intermission

3:15: Margalit Finkelberg, Professor of Classics, Tel Aviv University
      "The Language of Linear A: Greek, Semitic, or Anatolian?"

4:00: Alexander Lehrman, Associate Professor of Russian, University of Delaware
      "Reconstructing Proto-Anatolian: Sister to Proto-Indo-European, Daughter
      to Proto-Indo-Hittite"

Sunday morning session: 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon, in conference room at the
Omni Richmond Hotel

9:00: Vyacheslav Ivanov, Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures,
      and Professor of Indo-European Studies, University of California,
      Los Angeles
      "Southern Anatolian and Northern Anatolian as Separate 'Indo-Hittite'
      Dialects, and Anatolian as a Late Linguistic Zone"

9:45: Bill Darden, Professor of Linguistics and Slavic Languages,
      University of Chicago
      "On the Question of the Anatolian Origin of Proto-Indo-Hittite"

10:30: Intermission

10:45: Craig Melchert, Professor of Linguistics, University of North Carolina
       Critical response to the last four papers

11:15: Discussion

For information on registration and accommodations please visit the
colloquium's website at

or contact Professor Stuart Wheeler at the Department of Classical Studies,
University of Richmond, Richmond, VA 23173 (swheeler at  For
more information on the program please contact Professor Robert Drews at the
Department of Classical Studies, Vanderbilt University
(robert.drews at

Robert Drews
Department of Classical Studies
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN  37235
phone: (615) 343-4115
fax: (615) 343:7261
robert.drews at

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