
Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Sun Feb 21 21:12:33 UTC 1999

dam, Damm "embankment, dike, dam" [tv84]

dagaz > day, Tag [cw]
[acc. cw < IE "*agh- with initial d- of obscure origin"]

dan- "low ground, den" >
*dan-jam > denn [OE] > den; Dene [OE] > Dane [cw, rc]

Dauer "duration", du:ra:re "to last" [Latin]
[< ?Afro-Asiatic "Atlantic";
see Akk du:ru/m "long time, hard"] [tv97]

dengeln [tv84]

Dieb m., thief [jtw]

Diener, Dirne [tv84]

Distel f, thistle [jtw]

docga > dog "dog, mastiff" (Anglo-Saxon) [< Celtic?] [source?]

Dorsch m. "young cod [scrod]" [jtw]

dove, Taube [tv84]

dreug- >"dry" > drought;
*deug-iz > dry, Trocken; >
*draug-n > drain [cw, rc]

drink, Trinken [als, bc, d, p&a]

drive [als, d, p&a]

dub-/dup- "drop, drip, dip" > dip, dope, dump, didapper [cw, rc]

dud "shake, dodder" > dote, dodder, ?Zittergreis "dodderer" [cw, rc]

dumb, dumm "stupid" [als]

dunga "dung" > dung, Dung m. [jtw, rc]

dunum "fortified place" [Celtic] ?> du:naz [Germanic] > du:n "hill" [OE] >
down; >
du:ne [M Dutch] > dune;
*tu:naz [Germanic, <? Celtic *du:n-o- "hill, stronghold"?] "fortified
place" > town, Zaun
[Celtic & Germanic only]
[< ?Afro-Asiatic "Atlantic";
see AKK dunnunu "fortified"] [cw, tv97]

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