
Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Sun Feb 21 21:14:16 UTC 1999

l at k- > lake,
lacus [Latin],
loch [Gaelic]
[Celtic /o/ does not match Latin /a/,
suggesting it may have originally been /@/] [eh]

lamb, Lamm n. [bc, jtw]

[< ?Afro-Asiatic "Atlantic"] [tv97]

latha:- > Latte, Laden "slat, tailwood"
[see O Ir slat, Welsh llath "rod < *slatna:;
see Basque lata "shingle, board",
Span, Port lata, Cat llata, Fr. latte, It, Rhaet latta < ?pre-Germanic
*laththo: (or cognate);
Latin la:tus has no good etymology] [tv95]

Laube "summerhouse?" [or from laub "leaf"?]
lubbione "laube" [It < Germanic] [tv84]

leak, Loch n. (hole), Leck n. (in ship) [als]

leap [bc, rc]

leather, Leder n. [jtw]

Lee f., lee [jtw]

leg [rc]

Leid "sorrow, woe" [tv84]

le:od "chief of social unit" [OE] [eh]

li:k- "body, form, like, same" [cw, rc]
li:c [OE] > like, lich gate, -ly; Leiche f. "body, corpse" [cw, rc]
gali:kaz > geli:c [OE] > alike;
aiwo [ever] gali:kaz > ae:lc [OE] > each [cw]
is-li:k > ilca [OE] > ilk [cw]
[fro]lijc [M Dutch] > frolic [cw]
li:kyan > li:cian [OE] > to like [cw]
hwa-li:k > which [cw]

live, leben [tv84]

loan, Lohn, lønn "reward" [Norw] [tlm]

lodge, loge [Fr < Germanic] [tv84]

Luft [tv84]

lugyom "oath" [Celtic, Germanic] > liuga "marriage" [Goth], luge [O Ir] [tlm]
[related to "league", "link"?]

lok-, luk- > Loh "Hain", also found in German toponyms
[< ?Vasconic] [tv95]

Luke f. "hatch [of ship]" [jtw]

lu:t- "small"
[acc. cw < ?IE *leud-] [cw]
luttilaz [W Germanic] > ly:tel [OE] > little [cw]
lu:tan [OE] > lout [cw]
lu:ta "to bend down" [ON] > lout [cw]
loteren "to shake, totter" [M Dutch], loitren [M Eng] > loiter [cw]

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