non-IE/Germanic/v, w

Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Sun Feb 21 21:21:13 UTC 1999

vodal "homeland" [OHG] [from Bach 1970] [tv84]

Wachs n., wax [jtw]

Waffe f., weapon [jtw]

waip- "sweetbriar" > Middle Dutch wepe, weype < dialectic German [epc]

wak-e:- "to wake" > wacian [OE] > wake;
[< ?Afro-Asiatic "Atlantic",
see Semitic w-q-i: "to keep, preserve"] [tv97]

watch, guaite [Fr < Germanic] [tv84] [same as wak-?]

walhaz "foreigner" > Welsh, walnut, Walloon, Vlakh, Wälsche
[rel to folk?, to Volcae?] [cw]

wange, guancia "cheek" [It < Germanic] [tv84]

ward-e:- "to look out, to guard" > weardian [OE] > ward
[< ?Afro-Asiatic "Atlantic",
see Semitic w-r-d, j-r-d [to descend, also "serve"] [tv97]

warrant, garant "guarantor" [Fr < Germanic] [tv84]

weasel, Wiesel [jtw]

weihen [tv84]

Weizen n., wheat [jtw] [Agriculture]

Welpe, hwelp [OE, O Sax] > whelp
[< ?Afro-Asiatic "Atlantic";
see Sem. k-l-b "dog"] [tv97]

wepnam "weapon" [rc]

west, West m. [bc, jtw]

winter, Winter [tv84]

Wirt m. "landlord" [jtw]

wolcae tribal name > ?folk (Latin) [rc]

Wolke [tv84]

womb [rc]

Wrack n., wreck [jtw]

wyf "female" > wife (West Germanic) [bc, cw, d, p&a, rc]

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