
Patrick C. Ryan proto-language at
Thu Feb 25 12:48:44 UTC 1999

[ moderator re-formatted ]

Dear Rich and IEists:

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick C. Ryan <proto-language at>
Date: Thursday, February 25, 1999 6:16 AM


>But, I believe that all "laryngeals" were coloring-equal; and that the vowel
>that is seen is a result of a retention of an earlier vowel quality through


>[ Moderator's response:
>  In other words, you reject the laryngeal theory completely, substituting in
>  its place a set of vowels which still exhibit the odd behaviours which led
>  Saussure to post a lost set of consonants in the first place--with _ad hoc_
>  segments which you call laryngeals but which are otherwise no better than
>  Hirt's various reduced vowels, his answer to Saussure.

That is not, in my opinion, a correct characterization of what I have
written above. I believe that <H> was a real consonant, and had a
phonological reality, and like some consonants do, eventually disappeared.

>  Sorry, the laryngeal theory as it has developed in mainstream Indo-European
>  linguistics explains far too much to be thrown out like this.

I have not thrown it out. I have modified it. The theory is called
"laryngeal" not "vowel-coloring"! The structurally most important part of it
is that it identifies four consonants (or three if your prefer), which have
subequently disappeared except for their affects on neighboring vowels and

I believe four consonants became two "laryngeals": /?, h, $, H/ became H1
(no h in Hittite) and H2 (h in Hittite). When we can correctly identify the
nature of the "laryngeal" by its *position* in a root, we frequently a
corresponding /?, h, $, H/ in Semitic (Arabic).

I do not believe that there is anything which the current "laryngeal" theory
explains that tis re-formulation of it will not equally well explain.


[ Moderator's response:
  What does your version of the laryngeal theory have to say about the Greek
  anatyptic vowels?  How does it deal with the Indo-Iranian data (Skt. -i-,
  Iranian -0-)?  For that matter, how does it explain the other ablaut data
  that led Saussure to his formulation in the first place?
  --rma ]

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