<Language> Re: Caucasus and Kaska
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at wxs.nl
Wed Jan 27 12:35:08 UTC 1999
"H. Mark Hubey" <HubeyH at Mail.Montclair.edu> wrote:
>1. The SAn lived in North-East AFrica and were pushed south by Bantu
>speakers (West Africans)
What's North-East Africa? There may be some genetic evidence for
San in the Horn of Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia), in which case they
were linguistically displaced there by Afro-Asiatic speakers.
There are *no* Bantu speakers in North-East Africa. The Bantu
expansion started very recently, some 2,000 years ago, from the
Nigeria-Cameroon area into Central Africa (Congo), East Africa
(Kenya-Uganda-Tanzania) and eventually Southern Africa.
>2. The SAn are not "black" but "yellow" (reddish?, copper-colored after
>3. Egyptians painted themselves red (not black and not white)
If by this you're trying to suggest that the ancient Egyptians
were not San, you're right.
>4. The 1st wave out of Africa was probably 1-2 million years ago
Homo erectus?
>5. The earliest Neandertal bones in Europe are now 800,000 years old
>6. The big problem is whether the 2nd wave out of Africa wiped out the
>Neandertals this is a problem in genetics, paleontology, etc
My understanding is that it is now pretty well established that
the Neanderthals are not ancestral to modern humans.
>7. Kabardian has 1 vowel. (other caucasian languages are poor in vowels
>and have lots of consonant clusters. So do IE languages. So do AA
>languages. So does Khoisan.
Kabardian doesn't have one vowel. Neither did PIE or PAA.
Neither does any Khoisan language.
>8. Lieberman says that Neandertals could not speak. Then he changes his mind
>and says that they would not be able to speak like us but would speak like
>little children and could not make the "supervowel i".
>9. mtDNA test say that "Eve" as African. Y-chromosome test say that "Adam"
>was African; Sudanese, Ethiopean and Khoisan.
>Questions: if Neandertals could not make vowels like us, what kind of a
>language would they have had?
No way to know.
> If the Khoisan lived in Africa for 1-2
>million years why are they yellow instead of black?
They weren't living in the African rainforests?
>Why is the fault
>line of consonant-clustered languages run south from the CAucasus down
>the ME to EAst Coast of Africa? What is all this saying?
I don't know. Sounds meaningless.
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at wxs.nl
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