Greek question
manaster at
manaster at
Thu Mar 4 14:59:57 UTC 1999
For once I agree with the moderator.
On Tue, 23 Feb 1999, Patrick C. Ryan wrote:
[ moderator snip ]
>I have found that Egyptian k corresponds to IE g(g^) and k(k^); ditto T
>(bar-t) for g and k only; but Egyptian H (dot-h) corresponds to IE gh(g^h)
>and k(h)(k^(h)); ditto x (hook-h) for gh and k(h) only.
[ moderator snip ]
>[ Moderator's response:
> If the Nostratic evidence independently requires 4 series of stops which
> oppose voicing and aspiration, and it can be shown that in Indo-European the
> Nostratic voiceless aspirates collapse together with the voiceless plains,
> well and good: Cite the etymologies which support this claim. Otherwise,
> the Nostratic evidence has nothing to offer for the reconstruction of a
> series of voiceless aspirates in Indo-European; the few which are claimed are
> the result of clusters of voiceless plain+laryngeal (specifically, *H_2),
> although there are those who see the Skt. voiceless aspirates as evidence of
> Prakrit interference (as the development of *sC to CCh in the Prakrits would
> provide a source for a hypercorrection of Skt. **sC to the attested sCh,
> where <C>represents any voiceless plain stop) and do not even accept this
> laryngeal development while otherwise fully accepting laryngeals.
> --rma ]
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