March 1999 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Mar 1 00:11:07 UTC 1999
Ending: Wed Mar 31 23:43:05 UTC 1999
Messages: 645
- Danube homeland.
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Non-IE roots in Germanic/@, a, e, i, j, o, u
Larry Trask
- Non-IE roots in Germanic/b
Larry Trask
- non-IE/Germanic/f
Larry Trask
- non-IE/Germanic/g
Larry Trask
- non-IE/Germanic/h
Larry Trask
- Caucasian languages and Asia Minor
Wolfgang Schulze
- non-IE/Germanic/k/q
Larry Trask
- non-IE/Germanic/m
Larry Trask
- St Jerome
X99Lynx at
- Non-IE roots in Germanic/@, a, e, i, j, o, u
Brian M. Scott
- Greek question
Patrick C. Ryan
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Patrick C. Ryan
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Glen Gordon
- IE and Etruscan
Jim Rader
- St Jerome
Sheila Watts
- Ix-nay on the ostratic-nay
Glen Gordon
- Greek question
Patrick C. Ryan
- Greek question
manaster at
- Greek question
manaster at
- Ix-nay on the ostratic-nay
Patrick C. Ryan
- rate of change
manaster at
- gender
manaster at
- gender
Patrick C. Ryan
- Update on *nekw and the N-word
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Update on *nekw and the N-word
Rick Mc Callister
- Trojan and Etruscan
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Salmon.
Rick Mc Callister
- rate of change
Rick Mc Callister
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- IE, Genetic Data, Languages of Anatolia
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Update on *nekw and the N-word
Peter &/or Graham
- IE and Substrates
JoatSimeon at
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Peter &/or Graham
- Ix-nay on the ostratic-nay
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- IE, Genetic Data, Languages of Anatolia
WB (in Frankfurt today)
- IE and Etruscan
Glen Gordon
- *p>f Revisited - When was German invented?
X99Lynx at
- rate of change
Max W Wheeler
- non-IE/Germanic
Max W Wheeler
- IE and Etruscan
ERobert52 at
- Non IE words in early Celtic
Xavier Delamarre
- Anatolians
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- /Anatolian /-nt-/ and Greek /-nth-/
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Anatolians
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- /Anatolian /-nt-/ and Greek /-nth-/
Peter &/or Graham
- Chariots
Peter &/or Graham
- Germanic and Balto-Slavic Cases in /m/
Peter &/or Graham
- Celtic and English Again
Peter &/or Graham
- Cowgill's Law
Peter &/or Graham
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Patrick C. Ryan
- Celtic influence
iffr762 at
- Feminines in Neuter Plurals
iffr762 at
- Mallory
Dan Tompkins
- Error on pastoralism
Dan Tompkins
- Chariots
JoatSimeon at
- Celtic influence
JoatSimeon at
- IE to ProtoSteppe
Glen Gordon
- Non-IE roots in Germanic/@, a, e, i, j, o, u
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Patrick C. Ryan
- Greek question
Patrick C. Ryan
- St Jerome
Peter &/or Graham
- non-IE/Germanic/g
Rick Mc Callister
- non-IE/Germanic/h
Rick Mc Callister
- non-IE/Germanic/m
Rick Mc Callister
- Non-IE roots in Germanic/@, a, e, i, j, o, u
Rick Mc Callister
- PIE *gn- > know/ken
Jens Elmegaard Rasmussen
- Danube homeland.
JoatSimeon at
- Caucasian languages and Asia Minor
Glen Gordon
- IE and Uralic pronouns
- IE and Etruscan
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- IE and Etruscan
maher, johnpeter
- Greek question (night?)
X99Lynx at
- Update on *nekw and the N-word
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Trojan and Etruscan
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Laryngeals
Anthony Appleyard
- PIE gender
Glen Gordon
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- IE and Substrates
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- /m/ in 1st Person Pronouns
iffr762 at
- gender
roslyn frank
- Trojan and Etruscan
iffr762 at
- Salmon.
iffr762 at
- Ix-nay on the ostratic-nay
iffr762 at
- gender
Patrick C. Ryan
- rate of change
Max W Wheeler
- rate of change
Rick Mc Callister
- Celtic influence
Rossi Francesco Luigi
- non-IE/Germanic
Rick Mc Callister
- rate of change
Rick Mc Callister
- Salmon.
Peter &/or Graham
- Update on *nekw and the N-word
Glen Gordon
- Hittite spelling
Peter &/or Graham
- IE and Substrates
Larry Trask
- IE, Genetic Data, Languages of Anatolia
Larry Trask
- Results of Researches into Salmonids
iffr762 at
- Celtic and English Again
Anthony Appleyard
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Sheila Watts
- Lenis and Fortis in IE
Glen Gordon
- *p>f Revisited (+: IE and Etruscan)
Adolfo Zavaroni (Reggio Emilia, Italia)
- Non-IE roots in Germanic/@, a, e, i, j, o, u
Larry Trask
- Celtic and English Again
iffr762 at
- Celtic influence
iffr762 at
- *p>f Revisited - When was German invented?
X99Lynx at
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Patrick C. Ryan
- Celtic and English Again
Rick Mc Callister
- Non-IE roots in Germanic/@, a, e, i, j, o, u
Rick Mc Callister
- Celtic influence
Rick Mc Callister
- /Anatolian /-nt-/ and Greek /-nth-/
Rick Mc Callister
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Rick Mc Callister
- IE and Substrates and Time
X99Lynx at
- Anatolians
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Anatolians
JoatSimeon at
- Celtic and English Again
JoatSimeon at
- Chariots
JoatSimeon at
- IE to ProtoSteppe
JoatSimeon at
- Mallory
JoatSimeon at
- Greek question
manaster at
- Anatolians
Steven Schaufele
- IE and Etruscan
Yoel L. Arbeitman
- PIE *gn- > know/ken
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Update on *nekw and the N-word
Yoel L. Arbeitman
- Danube homeland.
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Yoel L. Arbeitman
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Patrick C. Ryan
- PIE *gn- > know/ken
Dennis Philps
- Non-IE roots in Germanic/@, a, e, i, j, o, u
Anthony Appleyard
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
maher, johnpeter
- Castilian <falda>
Larry Trask
- IE and Uralic pronouns
Larry Trask
- non-IE/Germanic/h
Max W Wheeler
- Celtic Influence in English
iffr762 at
- Who deciphered what (was Re: Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt)
Robert Whiting
- non-IE/Germanic/m
Max W Wheeler
- Greek question (night?)
Wayles Browne
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Peter &/or Graham
- Rate of change
Frank Rossi
- Celtic influence
Rick Mc Callister
- PIE *gn- - know/ken
Glen Gordon
- Danube homeland.
Glen Gordon
- IE to ProtoSteppe
Glen Gordon
- Trojan and Etruscan
Frank Rossi
- *p>f Revisited - When was German invented?
Patrick C. Ryan
- Laryngeals
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Chariots
maher, johnpeter
- Anatolians
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- PIE gender
Robert Orr
- /m/ in 1st Person Pronouns
Robert Orr
- `Sancho'
Larry Trask
- PIE plosives
Larry Trask
- IE, Genetic Data, Languages of Anatolia
Anthony Appleyard
- *p>f Revisited - When was German invented?
Sheila Watts
- gender
Larry Trask
- gender
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Anatolians
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- /Anatolian /-nt-/ and Greek /-nth-/
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- *p>f Revisited - When was German invented?
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Lenis and Fortis in IE
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- gender
Lars Henrik Mathiesen
- Anatolians
Max W Wheeler
- rate of change
Rick Mc Callister
- Anatolians
Rick Mc Callister
- IE and Substrates and Time
Lena Pechorina
- Anatolian /nt/
iffr762 at
- IE and Substrates and Time
Richard M. Alderson III
- Fortis Consonants
iffr762 at
- Update on *nekw and the N-word
Peter &/or Graham
- Feminine Gender
iffr762 at
- IE and Substrates and Time
Peter &/or Graham
- Spanish substrate/A
Rick Mc Callister
- lenis and glottalic
Jens Elmegaard Rasmussen
- Greek question
Patrick C. Ryan
- IE to ProtoSteppe
Patrick C. Ryan
- Update on *nekw and the N-word
Patrick C. Ryan
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Patrick C. Ryan
- Celtic influence
JoatSimeon at
- Standard Languages
JoatSimeon at
- IE to ProtoSteppe
JoatSimeon at
- Non-IE roots in Germanic/@, a, e, i, j, o, u
Yoel L. Arbeitman
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Yoel L. Arbeitman
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Non-IE roots in Germanic/@, a, e, i, j, o, u
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- PS: Re: Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Yoel L. Arbeitman
- IE and Etruscan
maher, johnpeter
- "Unbalanced" Stop Systems
iffr762 at
- non-IE/Germanic/h
Rick Mc Callister
- non-IE/Germanic/m
Rick Mc Callister
- *p>f Revisited - When was German invented?
JoatSimeon at
Rick Mc Callister
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Vidhyanath Rao
- Greek question (night?)
Oliver Baumann
- /m/ in 1st Person Pronouns
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Celtic Influence
Frank Rossi
- PIE Plosive System
iffr762 at
- `Sancho'
Rick Mc Callister
- *p>f Revisited - When was German invented?
X99Lynx at
- IE and Substrates and Time
Yoel L. Arbeitman
- Anatolian /nt/
Yoel L. Arbeitman
- gender
Rick Mc Callister
- lenis and glottalic
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Anatolian /nt/
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- rate of change
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Chariots
Vidhyanath Rao
- SV: Standard Languages
Lars Martin Fosse
- PIE stops
Jens Elmegaard Rasmussen
- Gender
Jens Elmegaard Rasmussen
- Rate of change
Rick Mc Callister
- Celtic influence
iffr762 at
- Chariots
JoatSimeon at
- Mummies of Urumchi
JoatSimeon at
- borrowing pronouns
Steven Schaufele
- Mummies of Urumchi (2)
JoatSimeon at
- IE and Substrates and Time
JoatSimeon at
- IE and Substrates and Time
JoatSimeon at
- Rate of change
Frank Rossi
- Greek question (night?)
X99Lynx at
Lars Henrik Mathiesen
- /m/ in 1st Person Pronouns
Glen Gordon
- PIE plosives
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Ix-nay on the ostratic-nay
Glen Gordon
- Laryngeals
Glen Gordon
- PIE stops
Peter &/or Graham
- Greek question (night?)
X99Lynx at
- /m/ in 1st Person Pronouns
Glen Gordon
- lenis and glottalic
Glen Gordon
- IE to ProtoSteppe
Glen Gordon
- IE to ProtoSteppe
Glen Gordon
- IE Technological lexicon: Linguistic Archaeology Alive and Well
JoatSimeon at
- Reconstructing *sH- for PIE
Dennis Philps
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
X99Lynx at
- IE and Substrates and Time
X99Lynx at
- "Unbalanced" Stop Systems
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- borrowing pronouns
maher, johnpeter
- IE and Etruscan
Yoel L. Arbeitman
- Anatolian /nt/
maher, johnpeter
- borrowing pronouns
Yoel L. Arbeitman
- Spanish substrate/A
Larry Trask
- Non-IE roots in Germanic/@, a, e, i, j, o, u
maher, johnpeter
- Using Dictionaries (was Re: Greek question (night?))
Robert Whiting
- Indo-European Phonology
Bomhard at
- Non-IE roots in Germanic/@, a, e, i, j, o, u
Rick Mc Callister
- Greek question (night?)
Rick Mc Callister
- Chariots
Hal Neumann
- k and q
Peter &/or Graham
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Patrick C. Ryan
- *p>f Revisited - When was German invented?
Patrick C. Ryan
- Ix-nay on the ostratic-nay
Patrick C. Ryan
- IE and Substrates and Time
Ross Clark
- lenis and glottalic
Dr. John E. McLaughlin and Michelle R. Sutton
- PIE Plosive System
Dennis Philps
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- borrowing pronouns
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- SV: Reconstructing *sH- for PIE
Lars Martin Fosse
- Laryngeals
Anthony Appleyard
- Greek question (night?)
Jim Rader
- IE and Substrates and Time
Sheila Watts
- Using Dictionaries (was Re: Greek question (night?))
Yoel L. Arbeitman
- k and q
Nicholas Widdows
- k and q
Yoel L. Arbeitman
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Yoel L. Arbeitman
- Fortis Consonants
Nicholas Widdows
- Spanish substrate/A
Max W Wheeler
- `Sancho'
Larry Trask
- Gender
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Spanish substrate/A
Max W Wheeler
- IE and Substrates and Time
Peter &/or Graham
- new book on insular 'celts'
Gordon Selway
- Rate of change
Frank Rossi
- PIE Plosive System
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
Patrick C. Ryan
- Reconstructing *sH- for PIE
Henry M. Hoenigswald
- abarca/abarka/alpargata
Rick Mc Callister
- Indo-European Phonology
Patrick C. Ryan
- IE to ProtoSteppe
JoatSimeon at
- Celtic influence
JoatSimeon at
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
JoatSimeon at
- *p>f Revisited - When was German invented?
JoatSimeon at
- borrowing pronouns
maher, johnpeter
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Patrick C. Ryan
- IE and Substrates and Time
JoatSimeon at
- alud
Rick Mc Callister
- ara/ndano
Rick Mc Callister
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Peter &/or Graham
- avio/n
Rick Mc Callister
- borrowing pronouns
Rick Mc Callister
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Rick Mc Callister
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Patrick C. Ryan
- `Sancho'
Brian M. Scott
- Using Dictionaries (was Re: Greek question (night?))
X99Lynx at
- Laryngeals
Anthony Appleyard
- IE and Substrates and Time
Anthony Appleyard
- abarca/abarka/alpargata
Larry Trask
- SV: IE and Substrates and Time
Lars Martin Fosse
- Spanish substrate/A
maher, johnpeter
- `Sancho'
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- IE and Substrates and Time
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- `Sancho' < Sanctius; Panza < lat. pantex
Javier Martinez
- abarca/abarka/alpargata
maher, johnpeter
- Spanish substrate/A
Rick Mc Callister
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Yoel L. Arbeitman
- Gender
Jens Elmegaard Rasmussen
- non-IE/Germanic/h
Max W Wheeler
- Vocalic /r/ and /l/ in Mycenean Greek
Anthony Appleyard
- non-IE/Germanic/m
Max W Wheeler
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
X99Lynx at
- `Sancho'
Rick Mc Callister
- Greek question (night?)
Max W Wheeler
- arrancar
Rick Mc Callister
- How weird is Hittite? Not weird enough :)
Vidhyanath Rao
- "mama" Syndrome in 1st Person
iffr762 at
- IE Plosive System
iffr762 at
- [linguist at 10.393, Jobs: Historical ... ]
Richard M. Alderson III
- Celtic influence
Gordon Selway
- Celtic influence
Rick Mc Callister
- Celtic influence
Patrick C. Ryan
- Celtic influence
iffr762 at
- borrowing pronouns
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt
Glen Gordon
- borrowing pronouns
Glen Gordon
- IE and Substrates and Time
iffr762 at
- PIE plosives
Glen Gordon
- IE and Substrates and Time
Glen Gordon
- non-IE/Germanic/h
Rick Mc Callister
- Vocalic /r/ and /l/ in Mycenean Greek
Yoel L. Arbeitman
- Anatolian /nt/
David L. White
- Anatolian /nt/
David L. White
- borrowing pronouns
David L. White
- /m/ in 1st Person Pronouns
David L. White
- Laryngeals
Glen Gordon
- IE and Substrates and Time
Thomas Heffernan
- Laryngeals
Glen Gordon
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (dates)
X99Lynx at
- `Sancho' < Sanctius; Panza < lat. pantex
Larry Trask
- ara/ndano
Larry Trask
- `Sancho'
Larry Trask
- IE and Substrates and Time
Sheila Watts
- abarca/abarka/alpargata
Sheila Watts
- IE and Substrates and Time
X99Lynx at
- abarca/abarka/alpargata
Max W Wheeler
- borrowing pronouns
Max W Wheeler
- ara/ndano
Max W Wheeler
- Spanish substrate/A
Max W Wheeler
- alud
Larry Trask
- avio/n
Larry Trask
- "mama" Syndrome
iffr762 at
- `Sancho'
Rick Mc Callister
- abarca/abarka/alpargata
Rick Mc Callister
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- abarca/abarka/alpargata
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Dating of Anatolian /nt/ vs. /nd/
iffr762 at
- IE Plosive System: DLW Explains It All For You
iffr762 at
- Bartholomae's Law and Greek 'night'
iffr762 at
- IE and Substrates and Time
JoatSimeon at
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
JoatSimeon at
- Borrowing pronouns
Frank Rossi
- ara/ndano
Xavier Delamarre
- IE and Substrates and Time
iffr762 at
- Laryngeals
iffr762 at
- IE and Substrates and Time
Ross Clark
- Addenda/Corrigenda to Recent Missives
iffr762 at
- Celtic influence
DFOKeefe at
- Borrowing pronouns
Anthony Appleyard
- borrowing pronouns
Anthony Appleyard
- mutual intelligibility of OE with ON, &c
Gordon Selway
- abarca/abarka/alpargata
roslyn frank
- borrowing pronouns
maher, johnpeter
- abarca/abarka/alpargata
maher, johnpeter
- borrowing pronouns
maher, johnpeter
- `Sancho'
Rick Mc Callister
- abarca/abarka/alpargata
Rick Mc Callister
- Borrowing pronouns
maher, johnpeter
- abarca/abarka/alpargata
Rick Mc Callister
- ara/ndano
Rick Mc Callister
- Spanish substrate/A
Rick Mc Callister
- Celtic influence
Rick Mc Callister
- ara/ndano
Larry Trask
- Spanish substrate/A
Larry Trask
- Mummies of Urumchi
Ralf-Stefan Georg
- borrowing pronouns
Rick Mc Callister
- IE and Substrates and Time
Glen Gordon
- Gender
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Using Dictionaries (was Re: Greek question (night?))
Robert Whiting
- Using Dictionaries (was Re: Greek question (night?))
Robert Whiting
- Using Dictionaries: Pros and Cons
X99Lynx at
- *p>f Revisited - When was German invented?
X99Lynx at
- IE and Substrates and Time
X99Lynx at
- Laryngeals
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Indo-European Phonology
X99Lynx at
- How weird is Hittite? Not weird enough :)
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Anatolian /nt/
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Greek question (night?)
X99Lynx at
- "mama" Syndrome
maher, johnpeter
- IE Technological lexicon: Linguistic Archaeology Alive and Well
maher, johnpeter
- "mama" Syndrome
maher, johnpeter
- ara/ndano
Sheila Watts
- IE and Substrates and Time
Sheila Watts
- gender
George A Mantzoukis
- `spool'
Larry Trask
- `Sancho'
Larry Trask
- `bast'
Larry Trask
- IE Plosive System: DLW Explains It All For You
Nicholas Widdows
- borrowing pronouns
Robert Whiting
- IE and Substrates and Time
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- borrowing pronouns
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- borrowing pronouns
Robert Whiting
- lenis and glottalic
Adam Hyllested
- Dating of Anatolian /nt/ vs. /nd/
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- IE Plosive System: DLW Explains It All For You
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- `Sancho'
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- ara/ndano
Sheila Watts
- ara/ndano
Larry Trask
- Borrowing pronouns
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- borrowing pronouns
maher, johnpeter
- borrowing pronouns
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- borrowing pronouns
Larry Trask
- ara/ndano
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- ara/ndano
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- ara/ndano
Larry Trask
- Celtic Influence Revisited
iffr762 at
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (dates)
JoatSimeon at
- Celtic influence
JoatSimeon at
- Bilingualism
JoatSimeon at
- Spanish substrate/A
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Celtic influence
JoatSimeon at
- Celtic influence
JoatSimeon at
- Mummies of Urumchi
JoatSimeon at
- Laryngeals
Peter &/or Graham
- mutual intelligibility of OE with ON, &c
Brian M. Scott
- avio/n
Rick Mc Callister
- abarca/abarka/alpargata
Rick Mc Callister
- ara/ndano
Rick Mc Callister
- Indo-European Phonology
Bomhard at
- Borrowing pronouns
Rick Mc Callister
- borrowing pronouns
maher, johnpeter
- borrowing pronouns
maher, johnpeter
- ara/ndano
maher, johnpeter
- Celtic influence
maher, johnpeter
- Celtic influence
iffr762 at
- borrowing pronouns
H. Mark Hubey
- borrowing pronouns
Frank Rossi
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (dates)
H. Mark Hubey
- ara/ndano
Dennis King
- ara/ndano
Dennis King
- IE and Substrates and Time
Ralf-Stefan Georg
- Using Dictionaries (was Re: Greek question (night?))
X99Lynx at
- borrowing pronouns
Robert Whiting
- Anatolian /-ant/
iffr762 at
- No subject
Thomas Heffernan
- Borrowing pronouns
Frank Rossi
- Stigmatization and Celtic Influence
iffr762 at
- IE and Substrates and Time
Glen Gordon
- DLW's Final Missive
iffr762 at
- Celtic Influence Revisited
JoatSimeon at
- IE and Substrates and Time
JoatSimeon at
- Sanskrit Tense & Aspect
Peter &/or Graham
- no standard German?
Peter &/or Graham
- Sancho
Frank Rossi
- IE and Substrates and Time
X99Lynx at
- ara/ndano
Rick Mc Callister
- borrowing pronouns
Rick Mc Callister
- borrowing pronouns
Rick Mc Callister
- Ethnologue
Larry Trask
- Basque <okaran> `plum'
Larry Trask
- Dating of Anatolian /nt/ vs. /nd/
Rick Mc Callister
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
Rick Mc Callister
- background noise
- `spool'
Glen Gordon
- Spanish substrate/A
Rick Mc Callister
- Uralic and IE
Glen Gordon
- Using Dictionaries (was Re: Greek question (night?))
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Arabic /usta:dh/ Persian /usta:d/ Span /ustedh/
Osmantul at
- borrowing pronouns
H. Mark Hubey
- avio/n
Ross Clark
- ara/ndano
Larry Trask
- Mummies of Urumchi
Ralf-Stefan Georg
- ara/ndano
Larry Trask
- pre-modern standard languages
Steven Schaufele
- just what is it about written Chinese anyway? (was: Celtic influence)
Steven Schaufele
- borrowing pronouns
Dr. John E. McLaughlin and Michelle R. Sutton
- Using Dictionaries (was Re: Greek question (night?))
Nicholas Widdows
- Ethnologue
Dr. John E. McLaughlin and Michelle R. Sutton
- Sanskrit Tense & Aspect
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- esox and -i/n [was: Re: ara/ndano]
Gordon Selway
- Using Dictionaries
Nicholas Widdows
- IE and Substrates and Time
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Borrowing pronouns
maher, johnpeter
- Sancho
Rick Mc Callister
- Celtic influence
- Celtic influence
Rick Mc Callister
- borrowing pronouns
Rick Mc Callister
- Celtic influence
Rick Mc Callister
- Borrowing pronouns
Frank Rossi
- `Sancho'
Max W Wheeler
- borrowing pronouns
Max W Wheeler
- no standard German?
- Ethnologue
Adam Hyllested
- Using Dictionaries: Pros and Cons
Lars Henrik Mathiesen
- Anatolian /-ant/
Rick Mc Callister
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
X99Lynx at
- gender
Glen Gordon
- Stigmatization and Celtic Influence
JoatSimeon at
- Celtic influence
JoatSimeon at
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
JoatSimeon at
- April foolery
Anthony Appleyard
- Basque <alde>
Larry Trask
- `bast'
Sheila Watts
- abarca/abarka/alpargata
Larry Trask
- Celtic influence
Sheila Watts
- Greek question (night?)
Max W Wheeler
- background noise
Dr. John E. McLaughlin and Michelle R. Sutton
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Standardization)
X99Lynx at
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Farmers)
X99Lynx at
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Latin et al.)
X99Lynx at
- Anatolian /-ant/
Brian M. Scott
- ara/ndano
Sheila Watts
- `spool'
Larry Trask
- avio/n
maher, johnpeter
- `bast'
Nicholas Widdows
- Mummies of Urumchi
DFOKeefe at
- Etymology of bozo (Was: Borrowing pronouns]
Jim Rader
- Uralic and IE
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Using Dictionaries
X99Lynx at
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Laryngeals
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- abarca/abarka/alpargata
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Borrowing pronouns
X99Lynx at
- Celtic influence
JoatSimeon at
- Celtic influence
JoatSimeon at
- Mummies of Urumchi
JoatSimeon at
- IE and Substrates and Time
JoatSimeon at
- Celtic influence
JoatSimeon at
- Using Dictionaries (was Re: Greek question (night?))
Frank Rossi
- background noise
JoatSimeon at
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Standardization)
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Farmers)
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Celtic influence
G Halliday
- just what is it about written Chinese anyway? (was: Celtic influence)
Glen Gordon
- Borrowing pronouns
maher, johnpeter
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Latin et al.)
Glen Gordon
- Uralic and IE
Glen Gordon
- background noise
- Laryngeals
Jens Elmegaard Rasmussen
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Latin et al.)
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Mummies of Urumchi
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- JIES Index online
Carol F. Justus
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Standardization)
JoatSimeon at
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Farmers)
JoatSimeon at
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Latin et al.)
JoatSimeon at
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
JoatSimeon at
- IE and Substrates and Time
Lars Henrik Mathiesen
- Tense & Aspect
Peter &/or Graham
- andera 'woman' Celtic ?
Xavier Delamarre
- Borrowing pronouns
Barbara Need
- background noise
Dr. John E. McLaughlin and Michelle R. Sutton
- Borrowing pronouns
Max W Wheeler
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- andera 'woman' Celtic ?
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Uralic and IE
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Fwd: andera 'woman' Celtic ?
roslyn frank
- Tense & Aspect
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Using Dictionaries (was Re: Greek question (night?))
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- `bast'
Max W Wheeler
- Mummies of Urumchi
JoatSimeon at
- IE /st/ > Etruscan /z/
Adolfo Zavaroni
- Distance in change
Jens Elmegaard Rasmussen
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
JoatSimeon at
- Tense & Aspect
Peter &/or Graham
- Arabic /usta:dh/ Persian /usta:d/ Span /ustedh/
Rick Mc Callister
- Using Dictionaries (was Re: Greek question (night?))
Rick Mc Callister
- abarca/abarka/alpargata
Rick Mc Callister
- IE, Genetic Data, Languages of Anatolia
Robert Orr
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Latin et al.)
Rick Mc Callister
- avio/n
Rick Mc Callister
- Celtic influence
Rick Mc Callister
- Fwd: andera 'woman' Celtic ?
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- IE /st/ > Etruscan /z/
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Uralic and IE
Glen Gordon
- avio/n
maher, johnpeter
- IE, Genetic Data, Languages of Anatolia
Patrick C. Ryan
- Mummies of Urumchi
Ralf-Stefan Georg
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Standardization)
X99Lynx at
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
X99Lynx at
- Using Dictionaries (was Re: Greek question (night?))
Robert Whiting
- Sancho
Frank Rossi
- Distance in change
Frank Rossi
- Using Dictionaries (was Re: Greek question (night?))
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- IE & Celtic badger : literature
Xavier Delamarre
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Latin et al.)
JoatSimeon at
- Arabic /usta:dh/ Persian /usta:d/ Span /ustedh/
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
Carol Jensen
- IE, Genetic Data, Languages of Anatolia
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
Rick Mc Callister
- Tense & Aspect
Rick Mc Callister
- IE, Genetic Data, Languages of Anatolia
Glen Gordon
- Tense & Aspect
Glen Gordon
- abarca/abarka/alpargata
roslyn frank
- andera 'woman' Celtic ?
roslyn frank
- R: Re: Tense & Aspect
Frank Rossi
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Standardization)
X99Lynx at
- Uralic and IE
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Latin et al.)
X99Lynx at
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Distance in change
X99Lynx at
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Latin et al.)
X99Lynx at
- IE /st/ > Etruscan /z/
Adolfo Zavaroni
- SV: The Neolithic Hypothesis
Lars Martin Fosse
- Sw, Dan and Nor
X99Lynx at
- Latin /a/
Peter &/or Graham
- Mummies of Urumchi
JoatSimeon at
- Mummies of Urumchi
JoatSimeon at
- Mummies of Urumchi
JoatSimeon at
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Standardization)
JoatSimeon at
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
JoatSimeon at
- Distance in change
Rick Mc Callister
- IE, Genetic Data, Languages of Anatolia
Robert Orr
- Using Dictionaries (was Re: Greek question (night?))
Rick Mc Callister
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
Rick Mc Callister
- How weird is Hittite? Not weird enough :)
Vidhyanath Rao
- The Neolithic Hypopothesis (Standardization)
X99Lynx at
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Standardization)
JoatSimeon at
- andera 'woman' Celtic ?
X99Lynx at
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Latin et al.)
JoatSimeon at
- IE, Genetic Data, Languages of Anatolia
Patrick C. Ryan
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
JoatSimeon at
- Distance in change
JoatSimeon at
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Latin et al.)
JoatSimeon at
- Uralic and IE
Glen Gordon
- Uralic and IE
Glen Gordon
- Lithuanians looking like Tarim Mummies
X99Lynx at
- The Neolithic Hypothesis (Standardization)
X99Lynx at
- `bast'
Richard Coates
- andera 'woman' Celtic ?
Larry Trask
- IE /st/ > Etruscan /z/
ERobert52 at
- R: Re: Tense & Aspect
roslyn frank
- Basque <-ar>, <-(t)ar>
Larry Trask
- Using Dictionaries (was Re: Greek question (night?))
Frank Rossi
- abarca/abarka/alpargata
roslyn frank
- Uralic and IE
Glen Gordon
- IE /st/ > Etruscan /z/
Eduard Selleslagh
- The Neolithic Hypothesis
Eduard Selleslagh
- Distance in change
Peter &/or Graham
- IE, Genetic Data, Languages of Anatolia
Peter &/or Graham
- Uralic and IE
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
Last message date:
Wed Mar 31 23:43:05 UTC 1999
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 08:03:43 UTC 2022
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).