Uralic and IE

Glen Gordon glengordon01 at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 28 03:26:21 UTC 1999

Let's try this again. This isn't a good week for sending messages for
me. Hopefully this one will get through to yous...

  See? Animate, inanimate AND heteroclitic can be explained in one big

  But you seem to imply that inanimate nouns (always?) had an
  ending -d/-t, which I cannot agree with.  The *-d is pronominal
  only.  We do have cases like Skt. yakrt "liver" (as well as asrk
  "blood", with unexplained -k), and generalized Greek -at- < *-nt-
  (onoma, onomatos etc.).  But except for the n and n/r stems, all
  other neuters have a zero ending [or *-m in the o-stems].

"We may have this, we may have that but aside from even more evidence on
your side..." - this is basically what you're saying. It's much simpler
to say that the neuter was generally marked with *-d unless the word
already ended with another declensional suffix, isn't it? The *-d suffix
IS being used for things other than pronouns later in IE languages so
there's nothing to make us think that IE itself didn't use *-d similarly
and more extensively, especially if it derives from an affixed *to
meaning simply "this, that (inanimate)". It's simply perfect for an
all-purpose inanimate marker. There is loss of *-d after
consonant-ending roots (hence the heteroclitic) so of course there are a
bunch of "zero-ending" neuter nouns - half of them are from a *-d that
disappeared and the other half of the neuters are formed on OTHER
declensional suffixes that didn't mix with *-d.

[ Moderator's query:
  What happened to your proposed *-d ending in neuter i- and u-stems?
  --rma ]

  Surely the neuter nom.acc. was unmarked.

In Pre-IE, it was.  It can be seen that there was originally only a
contrast of animate/inanimate made in the accusative where animate took
*-m and inanimate took *-ZERO. When the nominative *-s and
nomino-accusative *-d came along, it became a different story. The
consistent use of *-s and *-d forms in the nominative (whether just in
the pronominal forms or not) MUST be a recent innovation if they are to
be linked with Etruscan grammar. Etruscan has no *-d, period.

[ Moderator's query:
  Where did they come from?  Endings do not just jump up out of the grass of
  the steppes, do they?
  --rma ]

  What happened was that there were neuter stems in -nt (and -nk?), as
  well as plain -n (and -r?).  Just like we have m/f stems in -n(s),
  -nt(s) and -r(s). In absolute auslaut (because of -0 ending), these
  developed to -r (-n, -r) and -:r (-nt, -nk) and tended to merge into
  a single r/n heteroclitic paradigm.  One might object that there
  *are* a number of neuter n-stems, but most of them end in -m(e)n,
  where the preceding nasal consonant may have prevented the regular
  development of -n > -r.

Hypotheses built on hypotheses. There is no **-(n)k in IE. Endings of
the sort *-n(s), *-nt(s) and *-r(s) all end in *-s (very badly done).
Similarly, the heteroclitic and pronominal forms with *-d derive from
*-d. Simple, no? We don't have to posit **-nk and other forms that
aren't there. Everything can be generalised into a few simple cases.

Finally, there ARE forms in *-mer and *-wer (thus deriving from **-men-d
and **-wen-d). Let me ask you something: Why do we find endings like
-ant-s in Hittite? Doesn't it look like *-nt + nominative *-s to you?
Don't endings like *-m(e)n look kind of like *-m-(e)nt-d? See? More
wonderful simplification - *-men and forms with -ants are the same
suffix *-nt-[s/d].

  While some traces of *-t have remained, we have no trace at all
  of *-k and *-p in PIE.  It is tempting to reason by analogy and
  hypothesize that if **-t > *-H1, then **-p > *-H3 and **-k >
  *-H2.  In the case of *k ~ *H2 we have just a few interesting
  clues, such as Grk. gune:, pl. gunaikes "women".

  I don't find it so tempting. I think there's a very good reason why
  *-k and *-p don't exist in IE. Simply put, words either end with
  pronominal endings of some kind or with a declensional suffix - none
  of these possible suffixes have *-p or *-k and exposed roots are
  non-existant as well.

  The neuter nom/acc (and sometimes the loc. of all nouns) had an
  exposed root.  Furthermore, isn't it rather odd [not that that
  proves anything, but still...] that neither *-k nor *-p (nor *-t,
  verbal 3rd.p.sg. secondary and Hittite instr. excepted) occur at
  all in grammatical endings, while *-H1 and *-H2 abound?

You're right - it proves nothing. Mandarin has no *-p, *-k, *-t, *-m,
*-l or *-st. So? I told you the reason. All IE stems end with a suffix
of some kind and take from a limited number of endings which happen to
not have *-k or *-p. It's not the end of the world.

  If you're saying that IE *-t > CS *-H1 then you have to say that IE
  *-k CS *-H2 and IE *-p > CS *-H3. This means that we should see
  Anatolian languages with a cornucopia of *-k's and *-p's. Is this
  what we find?

  No.  We must simply assume that the loss of **-p was earlier and
  more complete than the loss of **-k, and the loss of **-k was
  earlier and more complete than the loss of **-t.

What did you say? "No"? Thank you, that'll be all, your honor.

[ Moderator's comment:
  Nonsense.  One postulated development does not require any others.  Thus, the
  fact that we do not find the developments you postulate simply means that no
  such developments took place; the lack of such developments has no bearing on
  the existence of others which *did* take place.
  --rma ]

Glen Gordon
glengordon01 at hotmail.com

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