`Sancho' < Sanctius; Panza < lat. pantex

Javier Martinez martinez at eucmos.sim.ucm.es
Tue Mar 16 11:23:00 UTC 1999

LT wrote

> at a Basque name, though not necessarily one of ultimately Basque
> origin.  This name is totally opaque in Basque, and I am aware of no
> plausible etymology for it.

< lat.  Sanctius?

> I gather that the name is no longer conferred.  However, <Pantxo> or
> <Pantxoa> is still a vernacular form of <Francois> in the French Basque
> Country,

Pancho belongs like Paco or Curro to Francisco, like Pepe to Jose.  But Sancho
Panza has his name because his potbelly, viz. Panza < lat. "pantex"

  Javier Martínez García ~ Dpto. Filología Griega y Ling. Indoeuropea
  Facultad de Filología  ~  Universidad Complutense ~  E-28040 Madrid
  Fax: +34- 9131 49023 ~ Tlf. +34- 91314 4471 ~ (secret.) -91394 5289
  ~ TITUS-Projekt: Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft ~ Postfach 111932
  Universität Frankfurt ~ D-60054 Frankfurt

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