borrowing pronouns
Rick Mc Callister
rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Tue Mar 16 03:17:13 UTC 1999
>In addition, there are many Americans using "moi" who not only do not know
>French, but who never directly saw/heard Miss Piggy'.
>In addition, Casdtilian has "Vd/Usted" from Arabic "ustaeth" 'teacher; and
ustad/ustaz "sir, maestro" definitely looks like usted
but most other Spanish professors I run into
swear that it's from vuste/ a corruption of "vuesa/vuestra merced"
>Italian "Lei" is a calque of sorts on the latter.
I've been told that Mussolini encouraged Italians to use <voi>
by explaining that <Lei> was from Spanish <le>
and <Loro> was from French <leur>
and so, <voi> was the "national" form
Did he really say that?
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