borrowing pronouns

maher, johnpeter jpmaher at
Tue Mar 16 00:51:45 UTC 1999

"Vuestra Merced" is a folk etymology.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal wrote:

> "maher, johnpeter" <jpmaher at> wrote:

> >In addition, Castilian has "Vd/Usted" from Arabic "ustaeth" 'teacher;

> 1. Surely ...

Whoah! --- The rhetorical emission  "surely" [vel sim : "clearly, certainly
vel sim] is hot air emitted in the absence of argument, evidence or

Spell out the phonetic developments and refute the ascription to Arabic

> 2. Lei = "she" (namely, "eccelenza", "maesta`" and other such
> feminine abstract nouns).

Certainly [i.e. I would suppose that] a feminine pronoun presupposes a
feminine noun, real OR  IMAGINED.


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