borrowing pronouns

H. Mark Hubey HubeyH at
Sat Mar 20 02:46:34 UTC 1999

Robert Whiting wrote:
> It might be useful for a start to note that <'usta:dh> is a non-native
> word in Arabic (according to Lane's dictionary; oops, argument from
> authority -- well perhaps you can tell us from your own knowledge why
> the word violates Arabic phonotactics) and that the same word exists
> in Persian (<'usta:d>).

IT is most likely Turkic, yes Turkic. Look at internal evidence;
Us (top of, above), UstUn (superior, above others), oz (to surpass,
to overtake, to be above others), ozghun (someone who is excessive),
usta (an expert in something), ustalik (expertise).

Best Regards,
hubeyh at =-=-=-=

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