IE, Genetic Data, Languages of Anatolia

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at
Sun Mar 28 18:59:41 UTC 1999

Robert Orr <roborr at> wrote:

>Actually, there is evidnece to suggest that IE *kuon is probably from a
>zero-grade of *pekuon (*pkuon) > *kuon, and related to *peku - "herd(?)".
>While semantically-based criticisms of comparing *kuon ("dog" > "wolf".,
>"wolf > "dog" is almost a commonplace sematic development, although the
>extinction of the wolf over vast territories makes it a little less likely
>nowadays) will not do, a comparison between IE *pekuon and Nostratic, etc.
>forms would be a desideratum.

>Any references?

Illich-Svitych's "Opyt" of course contains the entries #238 (vol.
I) *K.u"jnA "wolf, dog" (PAA *k(j)n/*k(j)l, *k(w)l "dog, wolf",
PIE *k^wo:n-/*k^un- "dog", PU *ku"jna" "wolf") and #375 (vol.
III) *p`ok.we "livestock" (PAA *bk.r "cattle, ox", PIE *pek^u-
"livestock", Alt. *p`oke-r^ "ox, cattle").

I haven't seen Hamp on *pek^u ~ *k^uon, but the only evidence for
a connection I can think of is Slavic pIsU "dog" (*pik^-, from
*pek^-?).  What else is there?

Any theory about the PIE "dog" word should deal with the
irregular Latin form canis (*k^an-).  All I can suggest about it
is that there may be an alternation Lat. a ~ *aw, as is also seen
in Lat. caput ~ Pre-Gmc. *kawput?

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at

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