The Neolithic Hypothesis (dates)
H. Mark Hubey
HubeyH at
Sat Mar 20 04:45:24 UTC 1999
JoatSimeon at wrote:
> >X99Lynx at writes:
> >Linear Ware Culture raced ahead of agriculture.
> -- nyet. LBK spread rapidly, and so did agriculture -- all the way from
> Hungary to northern France in a few centuries. That left a lot of
> uncultivated ground in between, and of course hunting continued right down to
> historic times as a supplement, gradually decreasing in importance.
> Bottom line: they were farmers. It took less than 500 years for farmers to
> colonize the entire loess soil belt. This shouldn't be surprising. A human
> population faced with an open land frontier doubles every 25 years or so.
> 1,000
> 2,000
> 4,000
> 8,000
> 16,000
> 32,000
2^64 = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616
25*64=1,600 years.
Starting with Adam and Eve, and doubling every 25, after 64 doublings
is 1,600 years and the population is 18,446,744,073,709,551,616
because that is what 2^64 is computed to be.
> -- and that's in only 150 years and starting from a very low base.
Can't get much lower than Adam and Eve.
Best Regards,
hubeyh at =-=-=-=
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