rate of change

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at wxs.nl
Sat Mar 13 09:43:18 UTC 1999

Rick Mc Callister <rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu> wrote:

>	/tsoBu, LoBu/ are found in E. Galicia according to Galician
>speakers I've talked and /shoBu/, I believe is found elsewhere.

According to Zamora Vicente "Dialectologi'a espan~ola", there is
a small area of Galician speech where the Asturian palatalization
of initial l- is found.  To be precise, the valley of the Navia
river.  Administratively, however, this area as well as some more
territory to the west of it (until Ribadeo), belongs to Asturias.

Obviously, it depends on how one defines "Galician" vs.
"Asturian".  Usually, the defining isogloss is taken to be that
of diphthongization of e (>ie) and o (>ue).  West of that
isogloss, it's Galician and Portuguese, east of it it's Asturian,
Leonese and Castilian.  The l- > ll- (> tS-, ts-, d.-) isogloss
runs a bit west of that, at least in the north.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at wxs.nl

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