Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at
Mon Mar 8 10:04:11 UTC 1999

mcv at (Miguel Carrasquer Vidal) wrote:

>The spelling <nekuz> stands for
>/nekwt-s/.  The problem is that we would expect <nekkuz> if the
>word is to be derived from PIE *nekwt- ~ *nokwt-.  The single <k>
>suggests PIE *g(h)w.

But I must agree with Rich's "moderator comment" elsewhere that
in this case the spelling <ku> may reflect all of PIE *kw, *gw or
*ghw [*gwh if you prefer].  After all, if the etymon were *kw,
the geminate spelling should not be <kk> but <kwkw>, and there is
no way of writing that in cuneiform (nor in ASCII, as the
recurrent confusions about labiovelars show).

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at

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