Greek question & the pre-history of *nekwt

maher, johnpeter jpmaher at
Wed Mar 10 09:29:55 UTC 1999

It's even more fun:

Hrozny', a Czech, indeed, was in the Austro-Hungarian army and was assigned to
Turkey [allied with the Central powers]. A-H, as France even today, had
compulsory national service, which could be satisfied, not only by soldiering,
but also in teaching and scholarship.

And the scholar who recognized Saussure's "laryngeals" in Hrozny''s
deciphrmnet, was also an A-H officer, Jerzy Kurylowicz, a Pole, whose name
indicates Belo-Russian origins.

jp maher

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal wrote:

[ moderator snip ]

> Hittite was deciphered by a Czech, Hrozny', the <z> in whose name
> is /z/.  The <z> derives from the conventions used for Akkadian
> cuneiform.  Akkadian was deciphered by Germans.

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