Plosive-liquid clusters in euskara borrowed from IE?

Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Wed May 12 15:48:02 UTC 1999

a gandul is a "pigeon pea" and is about half the size of a sweet pea
I think it's only used as "lazy" in Spanish slang and I seem to remember
seeing it used that way in literature of the Siglo de Oro --but it's been
many years since I've read that stuff

>"Roslyn M. Frank" <roz-frank at> wrote:

>>On that note, I'm curious. Miguel, did you come across any reference to a
>>feminine form for <chandro> as "gandul, etc." in the dictionary you are
>>using. What exactly was the source you were using? (Thanks in advance for
>>the bibliographic reference).

>The word does not appear in any of my Spanish dictionaries, or so
>I thought, until I happened to see it in my 1954 (6th) edition of
>the Espasa (Diccionario Enciclope'dico Abreviado):

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