gandul 'lazy'

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at
Tue May 25 18:31:22 UTC 1999

Rick Mc Callister <rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu> wrote:

>As far as I know, gandules are eaten in most of Latin America and parts of
>Spain. You can buy gandules in the US packed by Goya, a company from Spain.

Found it.  The botanical name for pigeon pea is Cajanus cajan,
and Moliner gives Cajanus indicus (close enough) = guandu' or
quinchoncho.  Guandu' :: Arbusto leguminoso. Su fruto es una
legumbre muy sabrosa que se come guisada.  Never heard of it.  In
Spain (Catalonia), we eat jud'ias (mongetes) [beans], guisantes
(pe'sols) [peas], garbanzos (cigrons) [chick peas], lentejas
(llentilles) [lentils] and habas (faves) [broad beans].  There
are also varieties of vetch (algarrobas/guixes) etc. which used
to be eaten, but are now considered animal food.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at

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