Dating the final IE unity

Stanley Friesen sarima at
Fri Feb 4 04:13:35 UTC 2000

At 07:19 PM 2/1/00 +0000, Hans Holm wrote:
>JS>, ... for 4000 years.  Which is in blatant violation of everything we know
>JS>about languages and how they develop.

>.. Is it? This is an IE group, but if we take a look beyond our IE nose,
>e.g. to Australia, we find about 70 % covered by speakers of Pama-Nyungan,
>the languages/dialects of which are regarded as very closely related. And
>archeologists now redate the first settlements back to more than 50.000
>years (for a up-to-date overview see Stringer in Antiquity 73/99:876). Of
>course these must not be the direct predecessors of Pama-Nyungan.

Indeed they almost certainly are NOT.  The very fact that they are so
similar indicates a *very* recent date for their arrival in most of their
current localities.  For a first guess as to the homeland of the
Pama-Nyungan languages, one might look to the area with the greatest
diversity of languages in the group in the smallest area (suggesting
greater time depth for differentiation in that area).

May the peace of God be with you.         sarima at

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