German ge- ptcpl cognates?

petegray petegray at
Sun Jan 30 20:07:33 UTC 2000

> German
> ge-  of past participles, and the augment.

The question has been asked - sensibly - but universally rejected.   Alas I
don't know details, but I do know that the ge- prefix shows completeness
rather than past activity (as the augment does in I-I, Armenian, and Greek).
The ge- prefix is related to (or identical with) the collective ge- prefix
in Gebirge, Geschwester, Gelaende etc.   From memory, its histroy is well
enough known for the connection with the augment to be ruled out.

The Greek-Armenian- IndoIranian grouping is widely accepted.   There remains
a question as to whether it is highly innovating (my approach, and I am not
alone) or conservative (the older approach).


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