Bandkeramik and non-Anatolian PIE

Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Sat Mar 4 04:46:08 UTC 2000

	And how do we know that they're not loanwords from Greek?


>There's a Phrygian inscription on the tomb of King Midas:  "Midai lavagtaei
>vanaktei", "To Midas the War-leader and King".

>This contains two terms shared with (Mycenaean) Greek:  lawagetas and wannax
>("war-leader" and "king", respectively.)


	Everything I've read on Phrygian, admittedly not much, seems to
claim a different genetic relationship: Albanian, Armenian, Hellenic,
	Anyone game enough to explain which one might be correct, if any,
and why?
	btw: regarding Thracian, there's an extensive website linking it to
Balto-Slavic. Given that I know even less about Thracian than the miniscule
amount that I know about Phrygian, I'd like to hear from someone better

Rick Mc Callister
Mississippi University for Women
Columbus MS 39701

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