Reference on Numbers of Saxons

David L. White dlwhite at
Mon Nov 13 19:53:51 UTC 2000

        Since more than one of you has asked, here it is:

Jones, Michael Eugene. 1985. "Provinces of Iron and Rust:  the End of Roman
Britain".  Unpublished dissertation, UT Austin.

        It should, if all is in order, be available from UMI in the usual
manner.  Practically speaking, I doubt that there is anything in it that
does not also occur in various works by Higham, notably "Rome, Britain, and
the Anglo-Saxons" (I think).
        Interested readers may also wish to consult various contributions to
Tristram 2000 "Celtic Englishes II", notably those by Gary German "Britons,
Anglo-Saxons, and Scholars:  19th Century Attitudes Towards the Survival of
Britons in Anglo-Saxon England", and by Wolfgang Viereck "Celtic and
English -- An Intricate Relationship".  The first of these shows quite
clearly (as I too have always argued) that the traditional interpretation or
"double X model" (my term), by which the original Celtic inhabitants were
expelled or exterminated, is the result of arbitrary prejudices (which I
would not shrink from calling "proto-Nazi") being projected into what was
thought of as a black box.    But there is considerable evidence after all,
and it strongly suggests very substantial "Celtic survival".

                                                    Dr. David L. White

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