Reference on Numbers of Saxons

JoatSimeon at JoatSimeon at
Tue Nov 14 04:15:47 UTC 2000

In a message dated 11/13/00 9:01:40 PM Mountain Standard Time,
dlwhite at writes:

<< The first of these shows quite clearly (as I too have always argued) that
the traditional interpretation or "double X model" (my term), by which the
original Celtic inhabitants were expelled or exterminated, is the result of
arbitrary prejudices (which I would not shrink from calling "proto-Nazi") >>

-- I'm afraid I'd have to answer that anti-migrationist arguments like this
are driven not by any archaeological or linguistic evidence, or any reasoning
based on this evidence, but by political ideology and moral-aesthetic

[ Moderator's note:
  I'm going to invoke Godwin's Rule (familiar to old Usenet readers):  Once a
  poster to the thread uses the word "Nazi", all further discussion is moot,
  and the thread is officially ended.
  -- rma ]

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