Etruscans (was: minimal pairs)

Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Tue Feb 6 14:27:50 UTC 2001

[ Moderator's note:
  Rick Mc Callister is responding to a posting by Steve Gustafson dated 1 Feb
  --rma ]

Isn't cuius cognate to English <whose>?


>Early Latin shows at least one further Etruscan-like feature.  Pronominal
>genitives like -cuius- (OL -quoius-) which in CL functioned as genitives
>only, were in early Latin pressed into service as adjectives, so that where
>in one instance you had -quoius servos-, elsewhere you could see -quoia


Rick Mc Callister
Mississippi University for Women
Columbus MS 39701

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