February 2001 Archives by date
Starting: Thu Feb 1 07:10:07 UTC 2001
Ending: Wed Feb 28 22:23:22 UTC 2001
Messages: 167
- Etruscans
Stanley Friesen
- Goths
David L. White
- la leche
Rick Mc Callister
- la leche
Leo A. Connolly
- txakur/dzhagaru/cachorro....
Eduard Selleslagh
- txakur/dzhagaru/cachorro....
Eduard Selleslagh
- cat < ?
Justin M. Mott
- Thoughts On The Lemnos Stele
Ernest P. Moyer
- *gwh in Gmc.
Thomas McFadden
- Etruscans (was: minimal pairs)
- la leche
- cat < ?
Steve Gustafson
- cat < ?
- cat < ?
Gabor Sandi
- *gwh in Gmc.
Thomas McFadden
- Calcutta/Kolkatta
Gabor Sandi
- la leche
Mate Kapović
- *gwh in Gmc.
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- *gwh in Gmc.
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- la leche
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Etruscans (was: minimal pairs)
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Etruscans (was: minimal pairs)
Steve Gustafson
- words specific to Saamic / Finnish and Germanic
Kastytis Beitas
- Suffixal -sk-
Jens Elmegaard Rasmussen
- cat < ?
- *gwh in Gmc.
Douglas G Kilday
- Etruscans
Douglas G Kilday
- Hittite
Shilpi Misty Bhadra
- Philistines as Sea Peoples, Etc.
David L. White
- Etruscans
David L. White
- *gwh in Gmc.
Larry Trask
- *gwh in Gmc.
Mate Kapović
- cat <
Hans-Werner Hatting
- *gwh in Gmc.
Hans-Werner Hatting
- *gwh in Gmc.
Gabor Sandi
- Etruscans (was: minimal pairs)
Rick Mc Callister
- *gwh in Gmc.
Steve Gustafson
- Etruscans (was: minimal pairs)
Ernest P. Moyer
- *gwh in Gmc.
Leo A. Connolly
- la leche
David Sanchez
- txakur/dzhagaru/cachorro....
David Sanchez
- cat < ?
the softrat
- cat < ?
- Greeks by way of Anatolia?
David L. White
- Thoughts On The Lemnos Stele
David L. White
- Thoughts On The Lemnos Stele
Stanley Friesen
- Thoughts On The Lemnos Stele
Eduard Selleslagh
- Suffixal -sk-
Larry Trask
- R: Suffixal -sk-
Alberto Lombardo
- Suffixal -sk-
David L. White
- Suffixal -sk-
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Etruscans (was: minimal pairs)
Douglas G Kilday
- Philistines as Sea Peoples, Etc.
Stanley Friesen
- Etruscans (was: minimal pairs)
Steve Gustafson
- spread of Latin
JoatSimeon at aol.com
- *gwh in Gmc.
David L. White
- Thoughts On The Lemnos Stele
Steve Gustafson
- "cuius" and "whose", Pluralization
David L. White
- Greeks by way of Anatolia?
JoatSimeon at aol.com
- Greeks by way of Anatolia?
X99Lynx at aol.com
- cat < ?
- Thoughts On The Lemnos Stele
Brent J. Ermlick
- *gwh in Gmc.
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- *gwh in Gmc.
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Greeks by way of Anatolia?
Shilpi Misty Bhadra
- Etruscans (was: minimal pairs)
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Suffixal -sk-
Jens Elmegaard Rasmussen
- *gwh in Gmc.
Douglas G Kilday
- Etruscans (was: minimal pairs)
Douglas G Kilday
- Thoughts On The Lemnos Stele
Ernest P. Moyer
- Thoughts On The Lemnos Stele
Ernest P. Moyer
- Thoughts On The Lemnos Stele
Ernest P. Moyer
- Thoughts On The Lemnos Stele
Ernest P. Moyer
- /escola/?
David L. White
- aspects of IE poetics
Dim Globe
- Common/Old German in the Net
Dim Globe
- txakur/dzhagaru/cachorro....
Eduard Selleslagh
- Goths
Hans-Werner Hatting
- Suffixal -sk-
Hans-Werner Hatting
- words specific to Saamic / Finnish and Germanic
Hans-Werner Hatting
- Etruscans
David L. White
- la leche
Rick Mc Callister
- txakur/dzhagaru/cachorro....
Rick Mc Callister
- *gwh in Gmc.
Hans-Werner Hatting
- *gwh in Gmc.
Hans-Werner Hatting
- Philistines as Sea Peoples, Etc.
Ernest P. Moyer
- *gwh in Gmc.
Mate Kapović
- cuius (was: Etruscans (was: minimal pairs))
Max Wheeler
- Greeks by way of Anatolia?
Mark Odegard
- R: aspects of IE poetics
Alberto Lombardo
- txakur/dzhagaru/cachorro....
Rick Mc Callister
- la leche
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Etruscans (was: minimal pairs)
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- *gwh in Gmc.
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Etruscans
Jim Rader
- aspects of IE poetics
Xavier Delamarre
- txakur/dzhagaru/cachorro....
David Sanchez
- la leche
David Sanchez
- Goths
David L. White
- "whose"
David L. White
- Thoughts On The Lemnos Stele
Stanley Friesen
- Greeks by way of Anatolia?
X99Lynx at aol.com
- Goths, Naming and Ablaut
X99Lynx at aol.com
- sieve
Rick Mc Callister
- Thoughts On The Lemnos Stele
Cristian Mocanu
- Greeks by way of Anatolia?
David L. White
- *gwh in Gmc.
- *gwh in Gmc.
- Etruscans (was: minimal pairs)
A. G. Kozak
- Etruscans
Douglas G Kilday
- A question about Greek or Latin
- Thoughts On The Lemnos Stele
Ernest P. Moyer
- txakur/dzhagaru/cachorro... el internet
Chester Graham
- Etruscans (was: minimal pairs)
Douglas G Kilday
- Suffixal -sk-
Douglas G Kilday
- Minoan is an IE language?
Stanley Friesen
- Three-Way Contrast of Secondary Articulations in PIE
David L. White
- A question about Greek or Latin
John F. Emery
- Philistines as Sea Peoples, Etc.
David L. White
- Welsh /s^/
David L. White
- Etruscans
David L. White
- "whose"
Leo A. Connolly
- R: aspects of IE poetics
Renato Piva
- la leche
Rick Mc Callister
- Goths, Naming and Ablaut
David L. White
- Etruscans (was: minimal pairs)
Chester Graham
- Thoughts On The Lemnos Stele
- txakur/dzhagaru/cachorro....
Chester Graham
- Goths, Naming and Ablaut
Hans-Werner Hatting
- A question about Greek or Latin
- *gwh in Gmc.
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- *gwh in Gmc.
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Non-Indic sustrate vocabulary
Ed Sugrue
- Etruscans (was: minimal pairs)
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- sieve
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Explaining Coincidence
David L. White
- Labialized Labials
David L. White
- "Gothi" (timeline)
X99Lynx at aol.com
- Minoan is an IE language?
JoatSimeon at aol.com
- IE poetics
Alberto Lombardo
- Three-Way Contrast of Secondary Articulations in PIE
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- la leche
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- "whose"
David L. White
- Goths, Naming and Ablaut
David L. White
- Etruscans
- A question about Greek or Latin
Xavier Delamarre
- Non-Indic sustrate vocabulary
WB (in Frankfurt today)
- Non-Indic sustrate vocabulary
Rick Mc Callister
- Thoughts On The Lemnos Stele
Anton Sherwood
- Etruscans
Stanley Friesen
- Etruscans (was: minimal pairs) Ref Hercle, Zimite
Chester Graham
- Goths, Naming and Ablaut
X99Lynx at aol.com
- Dictionnaire de la Langue Gauloise
Xavier Delamarre
- *gwh in Gmc.
- *gwh in Gmc.
- Etruscans (was: minimal pairs)
- Etruscans (was minimal pairs)
- Three-Way Contrast of Secondary Articulations in PIE
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
- Abstract Parallelism of Adjective Declension in Germanic and Balto-Slavic
David L. White
- Syntax of action nouns
Lars Martin Fosse
- Non-Indic sustrate vocabulary
GthomGt at cs.com
- Etruscans (was: minimal pairs)
Douglas G Kilday
- Cappadocian
Geoffrey SUMMERS
- sieve
Hans-Werner Hatting
- Non-Indic sustrate vocabulary
Max Dashu
- Soap
X99Lynx at aol.com
- figurative typology
Stephanie Ball
Last message date:
Wed Feb 28 22:23:22 UTC 2001
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 08:03:50 UTC 2022
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).