Thoughts On The Lemnos Stele

Anton Sherwood bronto at
Sun Feb 25 01:11:00 UTC 2001

Ernest Moyer wrote
>> I find Y'hawa in the Hebrew Pi'el verb table under Hawa = Form or
>> Mold.  Literally, Y'hawa = "He shall Mold."  Future tense. Some
>> people believe this is the origin of the Hebrew name for God.

and Pat Ryan responded in part
> Then they are rather misguided. The name, avocalicly, is y-h-w-h
> NOT y-h-w. We do not just drop 'atches' to suit a hypothesis.

So you reject the obvious assumption that the final `h' is
merely a mater lectionis?  No comment on the other objections.

Anton Sherwood  --  br0nt0 at  --

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