R: aspects of IE poetics
Alberto Lombardo
centrostudilaruna at libero.it
Thu Feb 15 11:16:48 UTC 2001
Dmitry Globe wrote:
Is there any info on IE poetics in the net?
I've just finished C.Watkins' "How to kill a dragon: aspects of
Indo-European poetics" ( N.Y., 1995), along with Schmitt's "Dichtung und
Dichtersprache in Indogermanischer Zeit" (Wiesbaden, 1965) 'n' found the
subject more than exciting. What's the place of IE poetics in modern
Indo-European linguistic studies?
Blessed be,
There's another very interesting book about the subject above, it's Gabriele
Costa, Le origini della lingua poetica indoeuropea. Voce, coscienza e
transizione neolitica, Leo S. Olschki editore, Firenze 1998, lire 95.000. My
review http://www.lapadania.com/2001/febbraio/06/06022001p11a2.htm
where you could find a very big bibliography too.
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