Thoughts On The Lemnos Stele

Ernest P. Moyer epmoyer at
Mon Feb 12 12:44:21 UTC 2001


As I said, if we believe this is a "coincidence" we should be willing to cite
evidence.  Clearly, the Naphoth are positively identified in historic
documents.  Can you cite evidence for another source?

Why would I reject positive and concrete evidence, while I search for a
nebulous other possible origin. Isn't the better scientific path to investigate
this concrete and specific data?


"David L. White" wrote:

>> Clearly this ["naphoth"] is a Semitic word, and not Indo-European.

>         I certainly hope I have mis-understood what you are trying to say.
> There is no reason that the same or similar words cannot exist in different
> languages, with totally unrelated meanings.  From what you say, it seems
> that the meaning of the word is or was something like 'ridge' (which would
> catch both 'mountain' and 'border'), but there is no reason to connect such
> a word with a word meaning 'nephew' or 'grandson', regardless of similarity
> in sound.

> Dr. David L. White

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