Non-Indic sustrate vocabulary

WB (in Frankfurt today) w.behr at
Sat Feb 24 19:29:15 UTC 2001

not quite a database or a list, but see Michael Witzel's (Harvard) paper
"Substrate Languages in OlD Indo-Aryan (Rgvedic, Middle and Late Vedic)"
for starts. It is available @
Other than that, Sasha Lubotsky presented a paper entitled "Loan words in
Indic and Indo-Iranian" (essentially a long list) at the Indogermanistische
Fachtagung in Halle last year, but I'm not sure whether it has been
published already. Cheers, Wolfgang Behr

  Wolfgang Behr, Reader in Chinese History and Philosophy
  Department of East Asian Studies, Ruhr-University, Bochum
  OAW-GPC, UB 5/13, Universitaetsstr. 150, 44780 Bochum, FRG
  wolfgang.behr at | w.behr at

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