*gwh in Gmc.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at wxs.nl
Sun Feb 11 16:34:00 UTC 2001

On Tue, 06 Feb 2001 11:46:25 +0100, "Hans-Werner Hatting"
<hwhatting at hotmail.com> wrote:

>MCV wrote:

>>My original examples were: "liver", "four", "-leven, -lve", "oven",
>>"wolf", "leave"(?), "sieve"(?).  There's a labial in "wolf".

>There is also a labial in _four_ (PIE *kwetwor-).

As I realized minutes after sending my message.  Also, the word for
"oven" contains a labial vowel (IEW p. 88 *auqw(h)-:*uqw(h)-).

>But I take Your point.
>Labials in the neighbourhood alone are not sufficient as an explanation, as
>they don't account for Your other examples.
>So, what are our choices?

>1. To accept these as cases of "untriggered sporadic sound change", which
>is of course not satisfying;

>2. To try to extend the triggers for a sporadic sound change *kw > *p. One
>obvious candidate would be /l/. This would still leave "oven" and
>"sieve" unaccounted for. As I am without any library for the time being,
>what are the etymologies proposed for these words?

>3. We could assume substrate influences or a dialect mixture in Germanic or,
>in other words, a mixing of features from neighbouring dialects, like in,
>e.g., the German dialect of Cologne, where we generally have the development
>/t/ > /ts/, /s/ (e.g. _zick_ /tsik/ "time", NHG "Zeit", but /t/ is kept in
>some function words like _et_ "it", _dat_ "that"). But substrate and dialect
>influences are, of course, something of a "magic wand", if there is no further
>evidence for their existence.

>4. We reconstruct a new series of phonemes for PIE, as has been proposed.

We can read (1) as shorthand for (3), leaving only three

To answer your question, the word "sieve" is from *seip-/*seib-
"ausgiessen, seihen, rinnen, troepfeln" (Gmc. and Toch.), besides
*seikw-/[*seigw-] "ausgiessen, _seihen_, rinnen, traeufeln", which
_also_ has Germanic reflexes.  I must say that */l/ as an additional
factor sort of offers itself from my list, and can easily be justified
phonetically (labiaized or rather velarized /l/ is common enough).
But now I wpould have to look at all the Germanic reflexes of
*kw/*gw/*ghw again and check if we find counterexamples with PGmc
*/hw/ in the company of */l/ (or */w/, for that matter), for which I
don't have the time right now.  From memory, no such effect (*hw>*f)
is noticeable in the root for "wheel", but maybe *l has to preceed

>My problem with approach no. 4 is that I don't know of any evidence for such
>a series other than from Germanic.

Well, most of the words in my list offer sporadic cases of */p/ in
lgs. outside Germanic (as well as variants with */hw/ in Germanic).
Arm. <leard> "liver" can be either *lepr.t or *lekwr.t.  Both *leip-
and *leikw- occur in most IE branches.  For "oven", we have Grk.
<ipnos>, Bret. <offen> (as well as Goth. <auhns>).  *seip- is alo in
Tocharian (and *seikw- also in Germanic).  "Wolf" has forms with *p in
Latin and a similar root (*wlp-) exists in I-I, Grk, Arm. etc. with
the meaning "fox" or "jackal".

> If we assume that Germanic branched off
>earliest (a problematic assumption in itself), we would not expect such
>evidence, but in the scenario Douglas Kilday describes, we would expect some
>traces of the /pw/ series in Anatolian. And, I don't want to repeat myself,
>but I think the sound change /pw/ > /kw/ is not trivial  I would expect
>different outcomes in different branches of IE languages, not a simple split
>into a language keeping the series distinct, and the other ones merging

My proposal makes the most sense within a wider context where _all_
(pre-)PIE consonants had labialized (and palatalized) variants.  This
would be comparable to the developments that can be seen later in Old
Irish (3-way split between "slender", "broad" and "u-coloured"
consonants) or in Tocharian.  The Tocharian case (where *i, *u and *e
merged as *@ (*a"), or rather: *e > *@, *i > *(y)@, *u > *(w)@) is
especially interesting, given the lack of *i and *u in PIE
[full-grade] root structure (so maybe **CiC > *C(y)eC, **CuC >
*C(w)eC).  As was the case in Old Irish and pre-Tocharian, such a
system with a 3-way opposition was inherently unstable, and was
eventually resolved leaving a number of irregularities.  The
alternations between *p and *kw (with Germanic mostly, but not always,
on the *p-side, the other lgs. mostly, but not always, on the
*kw-side) can be interpreted that way, as can other PIE irregularities
(e.g. *t ~ *s < *tw (cf. the Greek soundlaw *tw > s) in the words for
"month", "dawn", the pf. act. ptc. in *-wot-/*-us-, etc.; *n ~ *i <
*n^ in roots like *nem-/*yem-/*em- and the Vedic *-i/*-n-stems; *l ~
*i < *l^ in the "liver" word, maybe also in "yoke"; *m ~ *w < *mw in
the 1 sg., du. and pl. of the verb, etc.).

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at wxs.nl

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