Minoan is an IE language?

Stanley Friesen sarima at friesen.net
Wed Feb 21 02:08:55 UTC 2001

 From at least two places I have recently heard it suggested that the
Minoan language (as written in Linear A) is an IE language, perhaps even
related to the Anatolian branch (especially Luwian).

One of these was a journal article that at least made it sound
reasonable.  Prior to reading it I would have dismissed the idea as highly
unlikely.  How reasonable is this idea?

In favor of it is the structure of the language, and the fact that Greek
seems to show some signs of a pre-Greek IE substratum.

Against it is the fact that it has not yet been deciphered per se.  Is it
really possible for Linear A to have recorded an IE language and still
resisted decipherment this long - especially an Anatolian language?
May the peace of God be with you.         sarima at ix.netcom.com

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