aspects of IE poetics
Xavier Delamarre
xavier.delamarre at
Thu Feb 15 20:38:15 UTC 2001
le 12/02/01 14:16, Dim Globe à orgof at a écrit :
> Greetings.
> Is there any info on IE poetics in the net?
> I've just finished C.Watkins' "How to kill a dragon: aspects of
> Indo-European poetics" ( N.Y., 1995), along with Schmitt's "Dichtung und
> Dichtersprache in Indogermanischer Zeit" (Wiesbaden, 1965) 'n' found the
> subject more than exciting. What's the place of IE poetics in modern
> Indo-European linguistic studies?
> Blessed be,
> Dmitry
You have cited two major works on the subject.
If you have some command of French I would recommend the reading of the
books an articles of Prof. Francoise Bader, and especialy :
- "La langue des dieux ou l'hermétisme des poètes indo-européens",
Giardini (Pisa), 1989.
If you have some command of Italian I would recommand the books and
articles of the late Enrico Campanile and especialy :
- "Ricerche di cultura poetica indo-europea", Giardini (Pisa), 1977.
and most recently of his compatriots
- Romano Lazzeroni : "La cultura Indoeuropea", Laterza (Bari) , 1998. (a
review of this remarquable book has just appeared in IF105, 2001, 318-22).
- Gabriele Costa : "Le origini della lingua poetica indoeuropea", Olschki
(Florence), 1998.
As for the place of IE poetics in modern IE studies, it seems that, as
we approach the exhaustion of possibilities in reconstructing the phonology,
morphology, syntax & lexicography of PIE, the textual reconstruction (IE
poetics) opens new horizons where discoveries have still to be done.
X. Delamarre
< xavier.delamarre at >
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