PU trees (WAS: About the Yew1)

Ante Aikio anaikio at mail.student.oulu.fi
Wed Jul 4 04:35:27 UTC 2001

On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Gordon Brown wrote:

> Ante, can you give us some modern reflexes of these tree names, say in
> Finnish, Estonia, Saami, perhaps others?

PU *sïksi 'siberian pine' > Komi /susï-pu/ (/pu/ 'tree'), Khanty
(Vakh-Vasjugan dialect) /Lïgøl/, Manysi (Pelymka dialect) /tëët/,
Nenets /tideh/ (no cognates in more western Uralic, because the tree only
grows in the speaking area of Samoyedic, Ob-Ugric & Permic)

PU *d´ïxmi 'bird cherry' > Sami (North) /duopma/, (South) /foeme/,
Finnish /tuomi/, Estonian /toom/, Mordvin (Erzya) /l´om/, Manysi
(Pelymka) /l´ëëm/, Selkup (Taz) /c^ëm/, Kamass /lem/ etc.

PU *kaxsi 'spruce' > Sami /guossa/, Finnish /kuusi/, Estonian /kuusk/,
Mordvin /kuz/, Khanty (Vasjugan) /kagøt/, Nenets /xadi/ etc.

PU *koxji 'birch' > Finnish /koivu/, Estonian (South) /kõiv/, Mari /kue/,
Nenets /xo/, Nganasan /küø/ etc.

PU ?*pic´(V)lV or ?*pic´(V)rV 'rowan' > Finnish /pihla-ja/, Estonian
/pihlakas/, Mordvin /piz´ol/, Udmurt /palez´/ (metathetic), Khanty
(Vakh-Vasjugan) /pec´ør/ etc. (the reflexes of this word contain
phonological irregularities).

For more details, please look up the words in the relevant etymological
dictionaries (Uralisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch, Suomen Sanojen
Alkuperä, etc.)

Ante Aikio

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