July 2001 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jul 1 01:10:59 UTC 2001
Ending: Mon Jul 30 15:23:08 UTC 2001
Messages: 259
- PU trees (WAS: About the Yew1)
Ante Aikio
- real proto-lang
Ante Aikio
- real proto-lang
Ante Aikio
- multiple "ancestors"
Ante Aikio
- Thresholds of Comprehensibility
Ante Aikio
- Mr. Long's objections Re: Handfuls of Unrelated Forms
Rich Alderson
- About the Yew1
Rich Alderson
- Handfuls of Unrelated Forms
Rich Alderson
- The Single Parent Question
Rich Alderson
- Trivial Truths and Genetic "Patterns"
Rich Alderson
- real proto-lang
Rich Alderson
- Trivial Truths and Genetic "Patterns"
Rich Alderson
- real proto-lang
Rich Alderson
- diction and contradiction
Mag. Hans-Joachim Alscher
- 'albeit'
Isaac Bonewits
- Latin mecum, tecum, etc.
Lionel Bonnetier
- About the Yew1
Gordon Brown
- kinkajou
Rick Mc Callister
- Possible phonological changes (was: Rate of change)
Rick Mc Callister
- bishop
Rick Mc Callister
- kinkajou
Rick Mc Callister
- lupo cervino, loup-cervier....
Rick Mc Callister
- Michif
Rick Mc Callister
- Possible phonological changes (was: Rate of change)
Rick Mc Callister
- Genetic Descent
Rick Mc Callister
- The Iceman's Berries
Rick Mc Callister
- Return of the minimal pairs
Rick Mc Callister
- Anglo-Romani (Long, was Re: Genetic Descent)
Rick Mc Callister
- Proto-Celtic & Proto-Fenno-Ugric in Herodotus and C. Ptolemy
Rick Mc Callister
- bishop
Rick Mc Callister
- Dative Subjects (was: Re: Genetic Descent)
Leo A. Connolly
- bishop
Leo A. Connolly
- Genetic Descent
Leo A. Connolly
- Latin mecum, tecum, etc.
Leo A. Connolly
- Dative Subjects (was: Re: Genetic Descent)
Leo A. Connolly
- Dative Subjects (was: Re: Genetic Descent)
Leo A. Connolly
- 'albeit'
Leo A. Connolly
- bishop
Leo A. Connolly
- Descent vs. Influence
Leo A. Connolly
- 'albeit'
Leo A. Connolly
- Lehmann's Syllabicity
Leo A. Connolly
- Omniscience [was Re: German <w> (was:Dubya and before that, minimalpairs)]
Leo A. Connolly
- Rate of language change
Leo A. Connolly
- bishop
Leo A. Connolly
- Dative Subjects (was: Re: Genetic Descent)
Leo A. Connolly
- the 'Dhole'
Stanley Friesen
- The Iceman's Berries
Stanley Friesen
- The Iceman's Berries
Stanley Friesen
- the 'Dhole'
Stanley Friesen
- Rate of Change
Stanley Friesen
- The Iceman's Berries
Stanley Friesen
- The Iceman's Berries
Stanley Friesen
- Fw: *G^EN-
Stanley Friesen
- The Single Parent Question
Stanley Friesen
- Uniformitarian Principle
Stanley Friesen
- bishop
Stanley Friesen
- About the Yew1
Stanley Friesen
- Handfuls of Unrelated Forms
Stefan Georg
- diction and contradiction
Stefan Georg
- Handfuls of Unrelated Forms
Stefan Georg
- Latin mecum, tecum, etc.
Steve Gustafson
- 'albeit'
Steve Gustafson
- Latin mecum, tecum, etc.
Steve Gustafson
- Latin mecum, tecum, etc.
Steve Gustafson
- Anglo-Romani (Long, was Re: Genetic Descent)
Hans-Werner Hatting
- Dative Subjects (was: Re: Genetic Descent)
Carol F. Justus
- About the Yew1
Douglas G Kilday
- Dative Subjects (was: Re: Genetic Descent)
Douglas G Kilday
- Return of the minimal pairs
Douglas G Kilday
- About the Yew1
Douglas G Kilday
- Uniformitarian Principle
Douglas G Kilday
- About the Yew1
Douglas G Kilday
- The Single *PIE Village Theory
Douglas G Kilday
- About the Yew1
Douglas G Kilday
- Uniformitarian Principle
Douglas G Kilday
- Dative Subjects (was: Re: Genetic Descent)
Douglas G Kilday
- The Single *PIE Village Theory
Douglas G Kilday
- About the Yew1
Douglas G Kilday
- The Iceman's Berries
Douglas G Kilday
- Dative Subjects (was: Re: Genetic Descent)
A. G. Kozak
- Rate of Change
Thomas McFadden
- Word Order and verb endings (was Re: No Proto-Celtic?)
Thomas McFadden
- Latin mecum, tecum, etc.
Thomas McFadden
- Dative Subjects (was: Re: Genetic Descent)
Thomas McFadden
- Latin mecum, tecum, etc.
Thomas McFadden
- Rate of Change: A Closer Look
Dr. John E. McLaughlin
- Michif
Dr. John E. McLaughlin
- Genetic Descent/Haitian Creole
Kreso Megyeral
- diction and contradiction
Kreso Megyeral
- Word Order and verb endings
Kreso Megyeral
- Italy in Hungarian (was: diction and contradiction)
Kreso Megyeral
- 'albeit'
Kreso Megyeral
- German <w> (was:Dubya and before that, minimal pairs)
- bishop
Robert Orr
- Word Order and verb endings
Robert Orr
- real proto-lang
Jurgis Pakerys
- Trivial Truths and Genetic "Patterns"
Jurgis Pakerys
- Michif
Mikael Parkvall
- Michif
Mikael Parkvall
- bishop
Renato Piva
- Word Order and verb endings
Jim Rader
- Return of the minimal pairs
Jim Rader
- Sound changes versus sound changes
Vidhyanath Rao
- Uniformitarian Principle
Vidhyanath Rao
- Anglo-Romani (Long, was Re: Genetic Descent)
Vidhyanath Rao
- Anglo-Romani (Long, was Re: Genetic Descent)
Vidhyanath Rao
- Word Order and verb endings
Jens Elmegaard Rasmussen
- Lehmann's Syllabicity
Jens Elmegaard Rasmussen
- real proto-lang
Jens Elmegaard Rasmussen
- Lehmann's Syllabicity
Patrick C. Ryan
- Lehmann's Syllabicity
Patrick C. Ryan
- About the Yew1
David Salmon
- 'albeit'
David Salmon
- Rate of Change
Gabor Sandi
- Italy in Hungarian (was: diction and contradiction)
Gabor Sandi
- Word Order and verb endings
Gabor Sandi
- Proto-Celtic & Proto-Fenno-Ugric in Herodotus and C. Ptolemy
Gabor Sandi
- Italy in Hungarian (was: diction and contradiction)
Gabor Sandi
- "mono-descent is implicit in the comparative method ..."
Brian M. Scott
- Genetic Descent/Haitian Creole
Brian M. Scott
- About the Yew1
Brian M. Scott
- 'albeit'
Brian M. Scott
- About the Yew1
Brian M. Scott
- bishop
Eduard Selleslagh
- Possible phonological changes (was: Rate of change)
Eduard Selleslagh
- About the Yew1
Eduard Selleslagh
- Latin mecum, tecum, etc.
Eduard Selleslagh
- Rate of Change
Eduard Selleslagh
- Dative Subjects (was: Re: Genetic Descent)
Eduard Selleslagh
- Genetic Descent
Eduard Selleslagh
- The Iceman's Berries
Eduard Selleslagh
- Rate of Change
Eduard Selleslagh
- Latin mecum, tecum, etc.
Eduard Selleslagh
- diction and contradiction
Anton Sherwood
- About the Yew1
Anton Sherwood
- About the Yew1
Anton Sherwood
- Italy in Hungarian (was: diction and contradiction)
Anton Sherwood
- fruit of the vine
Anton Sherwood
- Genetic Descent
Anton Sherwood
- The Single *PIE Village Theory
Anton Sherwood
- Uniformitarian Principle
Anton Sherwood
- Stamboul (was: bishop)
Anton Sherwood
- ``mono-descent is implicit in the comparative method ...``
Herb Stahlke
- One Step at a Time
Muke Tever
- The Single Parent Question
Larry Trask
- 'albeit'
Larry Trask
- Borrowing of verbal morphology
Larry Trask
- Proto-Celtic - An Exploration: Celtic ICM & Q/P Words Function IE Roots
Larry Trask
- One Step at a Time
Larry Trask
- The Single Parent Question
Larry Trask
- One Step at a Time
Larry Trask
- Michif
Larry Trask
- Trivial Truths and Genetic "Patterns"
Larry Trask
- Sound changes versus sound changes
Larry Trask
- Comprehensibility: sound vs grammar
Larry Trask
- 'albeit'
Larry Trask
- One Step at a Time
Larry Trask
- Omniscience
Christian Weisgerber
- "mono-descent is implicit in the comparative method ..."
David L. White
- Trivial Truths and Genetic "Patterns"
David L. White
- 'albeit'
David L. White
- the 'Dhole'
David L. White
- Borrowing of verbal morphology
David L. White
- Descent vs. Influence
David L. White
- Old Lithuanian
David L. White
- Descent vs. Influence
David L. White
- Omniscience [was Re: German <w> (was:Dubya and before that, minimal pairs)]
Robert Whiting
- bishop
Robert Whiting
- Hist Ling, a Primer: Part 1 (was Re: The Single Parent Question)
Robert Whiting
- Science? (was Re: The Single Parent Question)
Robert Whiting
- Hist Ling, a Primer: Part 2 (was Re: Trivial Truths and Genetic "Patterns")
Robert Whiting
- Language is made up of independent parts? (was Re: Genetic Descent/Haitian Creole)
Robert Whiting
- If books are common, telephones must be rare (was Re: Rate of Change)
Robert Whiting
- Hist Ling, a Primer: Part 3 (was Re: "mono-descent is implicit in the comparative method ...")
Robert Whiting
- UP and lexicon size
Robert Whiting
- 'albeit'
Douglas G. Wilson
- kinkajou
Douglas G. Wilson
- lupo cervino, loup-cervier....
Douglas G. Wilson
- Proto-Celtic - An Exploration: Celtic ICM & Q/P Words = Function IE Roots
DFOKeefe at aol.com
- Proto-Celtic & Proto-Fenno-Ugric in Herodotus and C. Ptolemy
DFOKeefe at aol.com
- Uniformitarianism and the Arrowwood
JoatSimeon at aol.com
- Red Deer in Anatolia
JoatSimeon at aol.com
- Yew Two
JoatSimeon at aol.com
- The Single Parent Question
JoatSimeon at aol.com
- The Iceman's Berries
JoatSimeon at aol.com
- Trivial Truths and Genetic "Patterns"
JoatSimeon at aol.com
- One Step at a Time
JoatSimeon at aol.com
- The Single Parent Question
JoatSimeon at aol.com
- real proto-lang
JoatSimeon at aol.com
- Proto-Celtic & Proto-Fenno-Ugric in Herodotus and C. Ptolemy
JoatSimeon at aol.com
- Sound changes versus sound changes
JoatSimeon at aol.com
- Comprehensibility: sound vs grammar
JoatSimeon at aol.com
- Trivial Truths and Genetic "Patterns"
X99Lynx at aol.com
- Rate of Change: A Closer Look
X99Lynx at aol.com
- Trivial Truths and Genetic "Patterns"
X99Lynx at aol.com
- Mr. Long's objections Re: Handfuls of Unrelated Forms
X99Lynx at aol.com
- e-mail date and time
X99Lynx at aol.com
- the 'Dhole'
X99Lynx at aol.com
- "mono-descent is implicit in the comparative method ..."
X99Lynx at aol.com
- One Step at a Time
X99Lynx at aol.com
- About the Yew1
X99Lynx at aol.com
- Ockham's Razor
X99Lynx at aol.com
- Trivial Truths and Genetic "Patterns"
X99Lynx at aol.com
- Handfuls of Unrelated Forms
X99Lynx at aol.com
- the 'Dhole'
X99Lynx at aol.com
- diction and contradiction
X99Lynx at aol.com
- Sound changes versus sound changes
X99Lynx at aol.com
- Step Two
X99Lynx at aol.com
- Thresholds of Comprehensibility
X99Lynx at aol.com
- Descent vs. Influence
X99Lynx at aol.com
- The Single *PIE Village Theory
X99Lynx at aol.com
- Comprehensibility: sound vs grammar
X99Lynx at aol.com
- One Step at a Time
X99Lynx at aol.com
- Uniformitarian Principle
X99Lynx at aol.com
- *Leo Connolly
X99Lynx at aol.com
- Quotation in IE
GthomGt at cs.com
- Uniformitarian Principle
philjennings at juno.com
- lupo cervino, loup-cervier....
eleonora litta
- Proto-Celtic - An Exploration: Celtic ICM & Q/P Words Function IE Roots
anaikio at mail.student.oulu.fi
- Sound changes versus sound changes
anaikio at mail.student.oulu.fi
- Genetic Descent
- European Genetics/IE
- Genetic Descent
- real proto-lang
- Latin mecum, tecum, etc.
- *G^EN-
- *G^EN-
- Handfuls of Unrelated Forms
- Rate of Change
- Rate of Change
- Latin mecum, tecum, etc.
- About the Yew1
- Lehmann's Syllabicity
- Lehmann's Syllabicity
- real proto-lang
- Latin mecum, tecum, etc.
- One Step at a Time
- bishop
- Genetic Descent
- Dative Subjects (was: Re: Genetic Descent)
- The Iceman's Berries
- Handfuls of Unrelated Forms
- Word Order and verb endings (was Re: No Proto-Celtic?)
- *G^EN-
- *G^EN-
- The Single Parent Question
- Word Order and verb endings
- Handfuls of Unrelated Forms
- The Iceman's Berries
- About the Yew1
- Fw: *G^EN-
- lupo cervino, loup-cervier....
- Lehmann's Syllabicity
- *G^EN-
- *G^EN-
- The Single Parent Question
- About the Yew1
- Lehmann's Syllabicity
- Lehmann's Syllabicity
Last message date:
Mon Jul 30 15:23:08 UTC 2001
Archived on: Fri Jun 10 08:03:51 UTC 2022
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).