Fw: *G^EN-

Stanley Friesen sarima at friesen.net
Sat Jul 14 02:56:25 UTC 2001

At 05:51 PM 7/7/01 -0500, proto-language wrote:

>Dear Stanley and IEists:

>> Now, for the latter I would normally require extensions with different
>> places of articulation.  I consider that much of the variation of the -k~-g
>> sort is due to inter-dialect borrowing, not to originally different
>> (extended) roots.  That is, root final consonants that differ only in
>> voicing or aspiration, and are associated with virtually identical meanings
>> are probably best treated as being post-PIE variants of one form.


>I have never read this before, and am sceptical. How about a few examples?

Interestingly, I just gave one example in my previous post.

And I just found a few where Pokorny seems to almost handle it that way:
*(s)keup-, *(s)keub(h)- (956)

*slenk-, sleng- (961)

*(s)meukh-, *(s)meug-, *(s)meugh- (971)

Ah, here is a good one:
1. *(s)teu- with consonantal extensions "thrust, strike".
     A.  *(s)teu-k-: Gr. tykos "hammer, chisel; battle-axe", tykizo "worked
stone", ... OIr. toll "hollow" and "hole", Welsh twll "perforation", Breton
toull "hole". ...
         Lett. tukste^t "knock", tauce^t "grind with a mortar and pestle" ...
         OIsl. styggr "angry, unfriendly", ...

     B.  *(s)teu-g- OInd tuja'ti, tunja'ti, tunakti "presses, thrusts" ...
         MIr. tu:ag fem. "axe" and "arch", later stu:ag, tu:agaim "strike
with an axe", ...

         Probably Lith. stu`ngis "stump", stu`kti "soar into the heights" ...
         Swed. stuka "overcome, subdue" ...
         OHG, MHG stoc, -ckes "rod, staff, tree branch", ... OE stocc "rod,
branch, stump" ...
         [and so on for several more paragraphs].

>> I meant that I would reconstruct only those root forms that are multiply
>> attested, at least for PIE.  (The issue of an earlier stage is a separate
>> matter).


>What might some examples be?

Oh, the majority of the roots in Pokorny :-)

May the peace of God be with you.         sarima at friesen.net

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