UCLA Indo-European Studies Bulletin 9.2
dwanders at socrates.Berkeley.EDU
dwanders at socrates.Berkeley.EDU
Fri May 25 14:51:36 UTC 2001
A new issue of the Indo-European Studies Bulletin (formally affiliated
with UCLA) is now available. Subscription information is found at the
bottom of this message.
Contents of IES Bulletin, Vol. 9, No. 2, January/February 2001 (published
April 2001); 60 pp.
"Celtoscepticism: Some Intellectual Sources and Ideological Implications" by
John Koch
"The Petroglyphs of Central Asia from the Viewpoint of the Indo-Iranian
Hypothesis by Andrzej Rozwadowski
Notes and Brief Communications:
Short Necrologies: Edgar Polome (Drinka) and Erich Neu (Melchert)
Conference Reports:
Late Prehistoric Exploitation of the Eurasian Steppe, McDonald Inst.,
Cambridge, England, January 12-16, 2000 (Jones-Bley/Hanks)
Colloquium: Greater Anatolia and the Indo-Hittite Language Family,
Univ. of Richmond, March 17-19, 2000 (Melchert)
Sixth Germanic Linguistics Annual Confesrence, Univ. of Wisconsin at
Milwaukee, April 28-30, 2000 (Pierce)
Eleventh International Mycenological Colloquium, Univ. of Texas at Austin,
May 7-13, 2000 (Garcia-Ramon)
Long-Range Linguistic Comparison: Prospects on the Eve of the Third
Millennium, Moscow, May 28-June 2, 2000 (Yakubovich)
Horses and Humans: The evolution of human/equine relations symposium,
Powdermill Nature Reserve, Penn., Oct. 17-21 (Jones-Bley)
Book Reviews:
Albanianischen Etymologien by Bardhyl Demiraj (reviewed by Martin Huld)
Albanian Etymological Dictionary by Vladimir Orel (reviewed by Martin Huld)
Historische Laut- und Formenlehre der lateinischen Sprache by Gerhard
Meiser (reviewed by Joshua Katz)
Beitrge zu altpersischen Inschriften by Rdiger Schmitt (reviewed by
Hanns-Peter Schmidt)
Proceedings of the Third European Conference of Iranian Studies. Part
1: Old and Middle Iranian Studies edited by Nicholas Sims-Williams
(reviewed by Hanns-Peter Schmidt)
Electronic Resources
Upcoming Conferences and Summer Schools
New Books
New Journals
To purchase the IES Bulletin:
Contribution levels (which pay for this bi-annual bulletin and support IE
activities at UCLA) are $10 for students ($15 for students outside the
U.S. and Canada), $20 for others ($25 for others outside the U.S. and
Canada). Institutional rate: $50. Checks (in USD) should be made payable
to "FAIES/UCLA Foundation" and sent to: FAIES, 2143 Kelton Ave., Los
Angeles, CA 90025 USA. Credit cards are also accepted. For further
information, please contact: dwanders at socrates.berkeley.edu. This
publication is published by the Friends and Alumni of Indo-European
For a listing of the contents from previous issues, please go
to: http://www.indo-european.org/page3.html
and, for earlier issues, http://www.indo-european.org/page6.html.
Please direct any inquiries to: Deborah Anderson at
dwanders at socrates.berkeley.edu
or: FAIES, 2143 Kelton Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90025.
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