first and second language acquisition position
Virginia Valian
Sun Dec 13 21:11:16 UTC 1998
Position in First and Second Language Acquisition
New York City
A full-time (possibly part-time) position in first and
second language acquisition is available beginning January 1999
(with the possibility of a later start date). The project
investigates syntactic development in children and adults, with
special attention to competence/performance issues and
learnability. Part of the project is funded by NIMH and is
directed by Prof. Virginia Valian; part of the project is funded
by CUNY and is directed by Prof. Elaine Klein, Prof. Gita
Martohardjono, and Prof. Valian. The person hired will a)
supervise students, interns, and assistants on the project; b)
develop materials for use in production and comprehension tasks
with children and adults; c) perform experiments; d) record,
transcribe, and analyze learners' spontaneous speech; e) analyze
data; f) recruit participants.
The project involves constant contact with a) young
children, their parents, and other caregivers and b) non-native
learners of English. The person to be hired must thus work well
with adults and children of all ages, understand and accommodate
their concerns and needs, and be highly organized, reliable,
punctual, sensitive, and patient.
We are anticipating hiring someone with a PhD in psychology,
cognitive science, or linguistics, but candidates with a BA or MA
in one of those fields will also be considered. We expect a
candidate to have a solid background, preferably including:
cognitive, developmental, and experimental psychology;
linguistics; cognitive science; language acquisition; statistics;
basic computer skills; previous laboratory research experience,
preferably including speech transcription; native fluency in
To apply, send a vita or summary of your qualifications by
email or mail. Include a cover letter addressing the points
raised above. Also include relevant examples of papers that have
been published or presented at conferences. Ask at least two
people who know your academic work well to send a letter of
Email addresses: psyhc at [NB: not psych]
gitam at
eklein at
Address: Dr. Virginia Valian, Department of Psychology,
Hunter College, 695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10021.
Voice: 212/ 772-5557 Fax: 212/ 650-3247
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