Fellowship for newly independent states (fwd)
vhouwer at uia.ua.ac.be
Wed Feb 24 12:45:04 UTC 1999
The message below may be of interest to some info-childes readers in newly
independent states. As I understand the announcement, it is not uniquely
meant for members of the Int'l Sociological Association.
--Annick De Houwer
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 19:05:09 +0100
From: International Sociological Association <isa at sis.ucm.es>
Subject: Fellowship for newly independent states
To: Members of the International Sociological Association
Nominations and Applications from NIS Social Scientists
for AAAS Fellowship Program
The Rural Sociological Society (RSS), in collaboration with the
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
invites Newly Independent State (NIS) social scientists to apply
for a one-month Fellowship program to be held in Washington D.C.
and a host American institution.
RSS is inviting applications and nominations of social
scientists from NIS countries (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus,
Kazakhstan, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Kyrgystan,
Uzbekistan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Armenia, and Belarus) to
participate in this program.
The program is funded by a grant from the U.S. National Science
Foundation. It allows representatives from scientific
associations in NIS countries to come to the United States for
four weeks to see how such associations are run in the United
States and to share information on how associations in NIS
countries are organized.
The program runs for four weeks beginning the first week in
September. The RSS invites applications to participate in this
program. Travel, lodging, and per diem would be provided by
AAAS. The first two weeks would be spent in an orientation
program with US scientists and other NIS society
representatives. This program introduces the attendees to how
science is organized in the US. The second two weeks would be
spent at AAAS, RSS, and a host institution learning about RSS
operations, publications, and other issues.
Applicants should send a letter of interest, a resume or
curriculum vita with their professional background information,
and two reference letters by April 1, 1999. The application
letter should outline how the applicant will be positioned to
contribute to the development of one or more social science
associations in the home country. The letter also should
identify previous institutional contacts or preferences for
contact for the additional two weeks of their U.S. visit.
Address Applications to:
Professor Larry Burmeister
Department of Sociology, University of Kentucky
500 Garrigus Bldg., Lexington, Kentucky 40546-0215, USA
Voice 606.257.7588 Fax 606.258.5842 email: burm0 at pop.uky.edu
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