Call for Papers
Otomo Kiyoshi
otomo at
Thu Feb 25 01:50:28 UTC 1999
Japanese Society of Language Science (tentative name)
First Conference (August 7-8, 1999, Tokyo, Japan)/ First Announcement
Call for Papers
The Japanese Society of Language Science (tentative name) hopes to
expand upon previous JCHAT workshops and meetings. This society
promotes research in various areas of language sciences, such as language
acquisition, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and discourse analysis, and
aims to support research in language sciences by encouraging dialogue
between researchers, and by sponsoring conferences and workshops.
Shizuo Iwatate of Shizuoka University has been elected to coordinate the
preparations for the first conference, and preparations are currently under
way. The first conference will consist of (a) keynote address(es) by (an)
invited speaker(s), a symposium and paper presentations.
The JCHAT workshop, which has conventionally been held at the same time
as the research presentations, will be conducted at a later date.
Shizuo Iwatate
(Department of Education, Shizuoka University)
Chairperson, Organizing Committee
email: siwatate at
The dates of the conference are August 7 (Sat.) and August 8 (Sun.), and
the location will be in Tokyo, Japan. The exact location of the
conference will be decided in early March and will be announced on the
JCHAT mailing list and the third announcement (conference program).
Brian MacWhinney (Carnegie Mellon University) will be our invited speaker.
The contents of the symposium are currently being decided. This will be
announced in our third announcement (conference program).
Registration fees:
Preregistration by June 30:
Full participants 3,000 yen
Students 2,000 yen
Regular registration (7/1/99-on-site registration):
Full participants 3,500 yen
Students 2,500 yen
Payment from overseas:
Full participants US$25 or Can$40
Students US$17 or Can$27
Conference Handbook: 2,000 yen
Payment from overseas: US$17 or Can$27
Reception: 1,500 yen
(Overseas participants will be asked to pay on-site)
This conference is open to all interested persons. The reception will
be held on the evening of August 7th.
The conference handbook will consist of summaries and relevant
information necessary for following each presentation, and therefore, we
strongly recommend that each participant purchase a copy, as additional
handouts for the individual presentations will not prepared (unless the
individual presenter decides to provide additional handouts at the last
We will only accept research which has not been previously presented
elsewhere, or which has not been scheduled to be presented elsewhere.
Moreover, we will only accept one submission per person (as the first
author). We are currently accepting submissions which are broadly
related to the field of language sciences, but we are in the process of
specifying narrower research areas. These areas will be announced in
the second announcement through the JCHAT mailing list.
Each presentation should be a total of thirty minutes (20 minutes for
the presentation, 10 minutes for discussion). The official languages of
the conference are Japanese and English.
Submissions for presentations must be postmarked by April 10 (Sat.),
1999. Submissions should be made in the following format, and mailed to
Kiyoshi Otomo of the organizing committee:
Necessary documents:
1. A completed copy of FORM #1 "Application form for submissions" on A4
or letter size paper
2. 3 copies of your presentation title and abstract (maximum 500 words)
on A4 or letter size paper. Keep the abstract anonymous. Up to two
tables/figures will be accepted (please include them with your abstract
on one sheet of A4 or letter size paper).
3. 2 mailing labels with your name and address (unnecessary for those
making submissions via email)
Please send all submissions to :
Kiyoshi Otomo
Research Institute for the Education of Exceptional Children
Tokyo Gakugei University
4-1-1 Nukui-Kitamachi
Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184-0015
We will also accept submissions by email. Please mail all email
submissions to:
siwatate at
Please send your email submission as an attachment in an MS-WORD,
Ichitaro, or TEX format.
All abstracts will be peer-reviewed anonymously. Notification of
acceptance or rejection will be sent out by the end of May. Those who
have been selected for presentation will be requested to submit a
camera-ready 4-page (A4 size) version of their presentation by the end
of June for the conference Handbook on a floppy disc. Finally, proceedings
of the conference will be published.
(All participants, including those making presentations, must complete
the following registration procedure)
All conference participants must submit FORM #2 :Registration Form by
June 30, 1999 via email to Shizuo Iwatate
(email: siwatate at
In the case that you do not have access to email, you may fax or mail
your participation form to:
Kiyoshi Otomo
Research Institute for the Education of Exceptional Children
Tokyo Gakugei University
4-1-1 Nukui-Kitamachi
Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184-0015 Japan
Fax: 042-329-7675 (From overseas: +81-42-329-7675)
For domestic participants, registration fees, fees for the conference
handbook and the reception must be deposited in the following account:
Bank/branch: Asahi Bank/Kodaira branch
Type of account: Futsu
Account number: 3778638
Name of account: Iwatate Shizuo
On-site registration will also be possible, however, copies of the
conference handbook will be sold on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Overseas participants must either pay on-site or by mailing funds to
Yuriko Oshima-Takane. Note that the pre-registration fee is US$ 25.00
(students US$17.00) or Canadian $ 40.00 (students Canadian $ 27.00) if
registered early, by June 30, 1999. Participants who register later than
July 1, 1999 must pay the regular registration fee of 3,500 yen (students
2,500 yen) on-site.
Overseas members can send their registration fees by check or money order
JCHAT ' 99
Yuriko Oshima-Takane
Dept. of Psychology
McGill University
1205 Dr. Penfield Ave.
Montreal, PQ H3A 1B1
A check or money order must be made payable to Yuriko Oshima-Takane in
trust of JCHAT. Only US or Canadian dollar will be accepted. The following
information as well as a copy of the registration form must be attached.
Mailing address(home/work):
Method of payment: ( ) check ( ) money order
Total amount enclosed: ( ) US dollars ( ) Canadian dollars
The third announcement (conference program) will be mailed to all
participants who have deposited their registration fees by mid-July.
The conference handbook will also be mailed by mid-July to all
participants who have deposited the conference handbook fee. However,
the third announcement (conference program) and conference handbook will
not be mailed to overseas participants (they will be given to you at
registration on-site). Those domestic participants who prefer to
receive these items at the conference, instead of in the mail, are
requested to indicate their preference on the Registration Form.
The conference program will be announced through the JCHAT mailing list
and on the JCHAT homepage. The presentation summaries will also be made
available on the JCHAT homepage, which is
Please direct all questions to Shizuo Iwatate at :
siwatate at
Japanese title (if applicable):
English title:
Mailing address (home or work):
Phone number:
Email address:
Note: (1) please submit one registration form for each author
(2) please write "JCHAT99 Conference Application" in the subject area
(3) please do not send your form using the return key (while viewing
the first announcement)
I would like to participate in the First Conference of the Japanese Society
of Language Science (tentative name):
Mailing address(home/work):
Conference handbook:
Yes, I would like to reserve one ( )
No, I do not need one ( )
On-site pick-up of conference handbook (for domestic participants;
please note that all overseas participants must pick their handbooks up
at the conference):
Yes, I would like to receive my handbook at the conference ( )
No, I would like to have my handbook mailed to me ( )
Yes, I would like to participate ( )
No, I will not participate ( )
Please indicate your method of payment:
Send check or money order to Yuriko Oshima-Takane ( )
Pay on-site at the conference ( )
Deposit funds in the bank account of Iwatate Shizuo
(for domestic participants only) ( )
More information about the Info-childes
mailing list