women in Afganistan
Margo Malakoff
margo_malakoff at HMC.Edu
Mon Mar 8 17:00:07 UTC 1999
This e-mail was begun as a well-intentioned petition that got out of
control. The content of the petition is accurate -- however, signing and
passing on the petition will not do anything. Because of the amount of
e-mail that the petition generated, the e-mail address of the original
sender (sarabande at brandeis.edu )was closed some months ago. Sending e-mail
to that address will result in a reply message to that effect, along with
some information about Human Rights groups you can contact. I just wanted
to comment that the contents are not a hoax; however, the petition is
currently just junk-e-mail with nowhere to go.
-Margo Malakoff
Margo Malakoff Office: (909) 607-3812
Asst. Professor of Psychology FAX: (909) 607-7600
Harvey Mudd College
301 E 12th St. URL:http://www4.hmc.edu:8001/humanities/malakoff/
Claremont, CA 91711
Demandez-vous: le mouton oui ou non a-t-il mange' la fleur?
Et vous verrez comme tout change..... -St. Exupery (Le Petit Prince)
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