CSDL Conference 2nd Announcement
Patricia Clancy
pclancy at humanitas.ucsb.edu
Tue Feb 8 06:03:23 UTC 2000
(Apologies for cross-postings)
The 5th conference on
will be held on May 11-14, 2000, at the University of California, Santa
The deadline for abstracts has been extended to March 1.
The following invited speakers will speak at the conference:
Kathryn BOCK (Illinois)
Wallace CHAFE (Santa Barbara)
Dedre GENTNER (Northwestern)
Rachel GIORA (Tel Aviv)
George LAKOFF (Berkeley)
Ron LANGACKER (San Diego)
Charles LI (Santa Barbara)
Sandra THOMPSON (Santa Barbara)
The conference is sponsored by UC Santa Barbara's Center for the Study of
Discourse, Cognitive Science Program, Department of Linguistics, Department
of Psychology, and Department of Geography.
Papers in all areas of cognitive linguistics and related research areas are
welcome, including research on conceptual structure, conceptual operations,
grammar, meaning, cognitive processing, acquisition, language use, discourse
function, and other issues. Papers are especially encouraged bearing on, but
not limited to, the special conference themes of:
Grammar and Cognition
Discourse and Cognition
Learning and Acquisition
Interactionally Distributed Cognition
Usage-Based Models
Cognition, Gesture, and Sign
Cognitive Issues in Politics and Literature
TALKS will be 20 minutes in length, followed by 10 minutes for discussion.
There will be two to three parallel sessions of regular papers, plus plenary
ABSTRACTS are due March 1, 2000. An anonymous abstract of 500 words should
be submitted via email, preferably as a Word attachment, to Patricia Clancy
at pclancy at humanitas.ucsb.edu.
Abstracts should make a clear and interesting point, and indicate the kind
of arguments and evidence that will be given in support of it.
Although the body of the abstract should not identify the author, the
following contact information should be included at the top of the email
message (so it can be removed before it is sent to reviewers):
Email address
Mailing address
THEME SESSIONS are encouraged. A theme session is organized by an individual
and submitted as a unit. It treats a unified idea or topic, whether from
similar or diverse viewpoints. The topic may correspond to one of the
conference themes, or to another theme of interest. Theme sessions will
normally include 3 or 4 papers, plus a brief introduction. For each
individual paper included in a theme session, a regular abstract should be
submitted. In addition, one general abstract for the session itself should
be submitted, explaining the goals and rationale of the session, and listing
each paper to be included. The form of the abstract for the theme session,
and for each included paper, is the same as that for regular abstracts.
Likewise, the deadline date, review criteria, and review process are
identical to those for regular abstracts.
Of course, individual papers (not part of a theme session) are equally
NOTIFICATION of acceptance will be given by March 31.
REGISTRATION for the conference will be at the following rates. (Early
registration is up until April 15, 2000.)
General registration, early: $50
General registration, late: $70
Student registration, early: $30
Student registration, late: $50
Banquet at Faculty Club: $25
Payment must be made in the form of a check in US dollars, drawn on a US
LODGING AND TRANSPORTATION Additional information about special conference
discount rate lodging, transportation, etc. will be sent to people when they
For additional information contact John Du Bois at
dubois at humanitas.ucsb.edu.
Or consult our WEB SITE at http://linguistics.ucsb.edu/events/CSDL/CSDL.htm
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