Light verb summary
David Barner
david.barner at
Sat Jan 27 14:45:39 UTC 2001
Dear info-CHILDES list members,
A huge thankyou to all those who so generously offered references, and
resources for locating others (on light/general purpose verbs and their
acquisition). Below is a compilation of suggestions to date, listed by
contributor. My apologies if I missed anyone.
Thanks once more,
David Barner
School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, McGill University
P.S. Any additional references would of course be appreciated! --DB
Lorraine McCune:
Ninio, A. (1999). Journal of Child language 26, 619-653.
Lois Bloom:
Bloom, L., Lifter, K., & Hafitz, J. (1980). Semantics of verbs and the
development of verb inflection in child language. Language, 56, 386-412.
Bloom, L., Merkin, W., & Wootten, J. (1982). Wh-questions: Linguistic
factors that contribute to the sequence of acquisition. Child Development,
53, 1084-1092.
Bloom, L., Rispoli, M., Gartner, B., & Hafitz, J. (1989). Acquisition of
complementation. Journal of Child Language, 16, 101-120.
Bloom, L., Tackeff, J., & Lahey, M. (1983). Learning to in complement
constructions. Journal of Child Language, 10, 391-406.
Shanley Allen
See work of Angeliek van Hout, now at Rijksuniversiteit
Laura Boynton Hauerwas
Boynton Hauerwas, L. (1998) The role of general-all-purpose verbs in
language acquisition: a comparison of children with specific language
impairments and their language matched peers. Unpublished Disseration
Northwestern University.
Mela Sarkar
Giry-Schneider, Jacqueline. (1978). Les nominalisations en français:
L'opérateur faire dans le lexique. Genève: Droz.
Ibrahim, A. H. (1996). La forme d'une théorie du langage axée sur les
termes supports. Langages, 121, 99-119.
Martinot, C. (1996). Prédicats et supports chez un enfant de 3 ans.
Langages, 121, 73-90.
Martinot, C. (1998). Développement de la construction argumentale de
trois verbes essentiels: mettre, prendre, donner. Langue française, 118,
Claire Martinot
Prédicats et supports chez un enfant de 3 ans, in Langages 121, mars 1996,
Paris, Larousse (verbe : mettre)
Les verbes supports dans l'acquisition de la syntaxe, in Actes du Colloque
International de Besançon sur l'acquisition de la syntaxe en langue
maternelle et en langue étrangère, Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 1997 (n°631
Annales littéraires de l'Université de Franche-Comté) (Eve Clark was invited
in this symposium I had organized)
Développement de la construction argumentale de trois verbes essentiels :
mettre, prendre, donner, in Langue française 118 , mai 1998.
Susan Foster-Cohen
In my own work on Navajo bilingualism, I touched on them [light verbs] in
relation to the
role they can play in code-switched utterances by children where they
as semantically bled main verbs with the complement in the other language.
you get things like [dump-tray] you-do-it. (= you dump your tray (at the
school cantine)) where the [dump tray] part is in English and the verb is
Shula Chiat
Watkins, R.V., Rice, M.L. & Moltz, C.C. (1993). Verb use by
language-impaired and normally developing children First Language 13,
Conti-Ramsden, G. & Jones, M. (1997). Verb use in specific language
impairment. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 40, 1298-313.
Chiat, S. (2000). Understanding children with language problems. Cambridge:
CUP. (Part II on verb processing).
Yasuhiro Shirai
Morimoto, Yukiko. 1996. The acquisition of verb constructions in Japanese.
Qualifying paper, Department of Linguistics, Stanford University.
Miquel Serra
Monica Sanza in her M. thesis has wroked this topic and has found for
normal developing children at 2,5 (n=7) 51% of lights verbs and at 3,3
years (n=5) 46%.
If you want more information about her work you can contact her:
monicast at
Anat Ninio
Ninio, A. (1999). Pathbreaking verbs. Journal of Child Language,
29, 619-653.
Another paper with an emphasis on intransitive verbs is:
Ninio, A. (1999). Model learning. International Journal of Bilingualism,
3, 111-131.
Sigal Uziel-Karl
Steve Pinker has work on light verbs in English, Angelique van Hoot on light
verbs in Dutch, Ruth Berman and Anat Ninio have papers on these verbs in
Hebrew, and I have just completed a dissertation in which I discuss the role
of these verbs in Hebrew child-language.
Berman, R. A. 1993a. Developmental perspectives on transitivity: A
confluence of cues. In Y. Levy (ed.), Other Children Other Languages: Issues
in the Theory of Language Acquisition. Erlbaum, pp. 189-241.
Berman, R. A. & S. Armon-Lotem. 1996. How grammatical are early verbs? In C.
Martinot (ed.), Actes du Colloque International sur L¹acquisition de la
Syntaxe en Langue Maternelle et en Langue Etrangere. Universite de
France-Comte, Besancon. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, pp. 17-59.
Clark, E. V. 1978. How children describe time and order. In C. A. Ferguson
and D. I. Slobin (eds.), Studies of Child Language Development. New York:
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, pp. 585-606.
Clark, E. V. 1993. The Lexicon in Acquisition. Cambridge University Press.
Hollebrandse, B. & A. van Hoot. 1995. Light verb learning in Dutch. Paper
presented at the TINdag, Utrecht, pp. 65-89.
Hollebranse, B. & A. van Hoot. 1996. Light verb learning is light verb
learning. In M. Dickey and S. Tunstall (eds.), Experimental Linguistics.
University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers 19. Amherst: GLSA, pp.
Hollebranse, B. & A. van Hoot. 1998. Aspectual bootstrapping via light
verbs. In N. Dittmar and Z. Penner (eds.), Issues in the Theory of Language
Acquisition. Bern: Peterlang, pp. 113-134.
Ninio, A. 1999. Pathbreaking verbs in syntactic development and the question
of prototypical transitivity. Journal of Child Language 26, 619-653.
Pinker, S. 1989. Learnability and Cognition: The Acquisition of Argument
Structure. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/Bradford Books.
Uziel-Karl, S. 1999. Children¹s verb lexicon. Proceedings of the 30th Child
Language Research Forum, pp. 41-49.
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