5th Annual Conference, GDR Phonology, Montpellier, France
damien.chabanal at univ-montp3.fr
Tue Feb 25 08:06:20 UTC 2003
Marilyn Vihman will speak on phonological acquisition at the
5th Annual Conference, GDR Phonology
Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier
Bâtiment de Recherche et Etudes Doctorales (BRED), Route de Mende
Monday 2nd Wednesday 4th June 2003
Organisers: Phil Carr, Damien Chabanal, Ksenija Djordjevic, Mohamed
Embarki, Patrick Honeybone
With the support of the GDR Phonology (CNRS 1954; Director: Professor
Bernard Laks) and Dipralang EA 739 (Université Paul Valéry; Director:
Professor Pierre Dumont)
Invited speakers:
Professor Larry Hyman (Berkeley)
Professor Marilyn Vihman (Bangor)
Scientific Committee: Gabriel Bergounioux (Orléans/CNRS), Phil Carr
(Montpellier III/CNRS), Jean-Pierre Chevrot (Grenoble III/CNRS), Nick
Clement (CNRS : ILPGA), Jacques Durand (Toulouse II/CNRS), Pierre Encrevé
(CNRS : EHESS) Laurence Labrune (Bordeaux III/CNRS), Bernard Laks (Paris
X/CNRS), Jean Lowenstamm (Paris VII/CNRS)
The 5th annual meeting of the Groupe De Recherche (GDR) Phonologie will
take place at the Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier, France, from 9.00
a.m. on Monday 2nd June 2003 until midday, Wednesday 4th June.
Call for Papers
Abstracts are welcome on any area of phonological/phonetic inquiry,
including LabPhon approaches, sociolinguistic approaches, generative
approaches (OT, Lexical Phonology, Government Phonology and others),
acquisition studies, history and philosophy of phonetics/phonology. Papers
on phonological acquisition very welcome!
Abstracts should be one side of A4 (authors name and details on separate
sheet, please) and should be submitted by email to both Phil Carr (
philip.carr at wanadoo.fr ) and Damien Chabanal ( damien.chabanal at univ-
montp3.fr ).
Language of abstracts and papers: French or English.
Time for papers: 30 minutes, plus 10 minutes for questions.
Please use SIL Doulos for phonetic symbols, and send your abstract as a
Word file.
We plan to run a poster session, if there are sufficient numbers of poster
papers offered. Please indicate whether you are prepared, or would prefer,
to offer your paper as a poster.
Deadline for abstracts: 05/04/03
Website : http://www.edgehill.ac.uk/acadepts/humarts/english/gdr2003.htm
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