IPSYN or similar measure for Spanish and Mandarin speakers
Ellina Chernobilsky
ellinac at email.eden.rutgers.edu
Wed Feb 11 19:44:35 UTC 2004
>Dear all,
>We will be using the measure on children age 3.
>At 12:34 PM 2/11/04 -0500, Barbara Pearson wrote:
>>Dear Gigliana,
>>What age children??!
>> P.S. Hi
>>On Wednesday, February 11, 2004, at 12:18 PM, Gigliana Melzi wrote:
>>>Dear Colleagues,
>>>We are proposing a study with Spanish and Chinese children (mostly
>>>Mandarin) and would like a measure of productive syntax, much like the
>>>IPSYN. Would any of you know if the IPSYN is available for languages
>>>other than English, in particular for Chinese and Spanish? Or, if
>>>there is another measure (available in English, Chinese and Spanish)
>>>that might be used to get a global score on children's syntactic
>>>Gigliana Melzi
>>>***** ************
>>>Gigliana Melzi, Ph.D. TELF: (212) 998-9023
>>>Department of Applied Psychology FAX: (212) 995-4358
>>>School of Education E-MAIL:
>>>gigliana.melzi at nyu.edu
>>>New York University
>>>239 Greene St., 5th fl.
>>>New York, NY 10003
>>>***** ************
>>Barbara Zurer Pearson, Ph. D.
>>Project Manager, Research Assistant
>>Dept. of Communication Disorders
>>University of Massachusetts
>>Amherst MA 01003
>>fax: 545.0803
>>bpearson at comdis.umass.edu
>Gigliana Melzi, Ph.D. TELF: (212) 998-9023
>Department of Applied Psychology FAX: (212) 995-4358
>School of Education E-MAIL: gigliana.melzi at nyu.edu
>New York University
>239 Greene St., 5th fl.
>New York, NY 10003
Dear Gigliana:
I have not founf IPSyn for other languages, however, in my recent
research we have adapted IPSyn to look at the language competencies
of bilingual 4-6 year olds. We looked at Russian/English speaking
kids, and I am not pretty sure that IPSyn can be adapted to other
languages as well.
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