Sum: non-literal use of motion Vs in child language (correction & addition)
Stathis Selimis
sselimis at
Mon Jun 7 17:12:42 UTC 2004
In the sum I posted regarding metaphor and non-literal uses of motion verbs in child language, there was an error in the following reference:
--Matlock, T. (in press). The conceptual motivation of fictive motion. In G. Radden and R. Dirven (Eds.), Motivation in grammar. Amsterdam: John H. Benjamins.
The correct reference is as follows:
--Matlock, T. (in press). The conceptual motivation of fictive motion. In Günter Radden and Klaus-Uwe Panther, Studies in Linguistic Motivation [Cognitive Linguistics Research]. New York and Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
I wish to thank Klaus-Uwe Panther and Linda Thornburg for the correction (as it is guessed, the contributors might have not been updated with all the new info).
On the occasion of this correction, I add a list of references sent by Katalin Fenyvesi after I posted the summary. They do not directly address my query, however they may be useful. Here, the entire list is copied, although some books/papers may be very familiar to researchers concerned themselves with motion verbs.
--Di Meola, Claudio (1994) Kommen und gehen #8211; eine kognitiv-linguistische Untersuchung der Polysemie deiktischer Bewegungsverben. Niemeyer: Tόbingen
--Di Meola, Claudio (forthcoming). Non-deictic uses of the deictic motion verbs #8216;kommen#8217; and #8216;gehen#8217; in German. In: Lenz, F./ Bohnemeyer, J. (eds.) Deictic conceptualisation of space, time and person. Berlin/New York
--Fillmore, Charles (1997) Lectures on Deixis. CSLI Publications. Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford, California Johnson, ---Mark (1987) The Body in the Mind. The Bodily Basis of Meaning, Imagination, and Reason. University of Chicago Press
--Lakoff, G. (1987) Women, Fire and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal about the Mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
--Miller, G.A. / Johnson-Laird, P.N. (1976) Language and Perception, Cambridge
--Radden, Gόnter (1995) Motion Metaphorized: The case of coming and going. In: Casad, E. H. (ed.) Cognitive Linguistics in the Redwoods. The Expansion of a New Paradigm in Linguistics. Berlin, 423-458.
--Radden, Gόnter (2002) How metonymic are metaphors? In: Dirven, R. / Pφrings, R. (eds.) Metaphor and Metonymy in Comparison and Contrast. Mouton de Gruyter: Berlin/New York, 407-434
--Rappaport Hovav, Malka / Levin, Beth (1998) Building Verb Meanings. In: Butt, M. / Geuder, W. (eds.) The projection of Arguments: Lexical and Compositional Factors. CSLI Publications: Stanford CA, 97-134
--Rauh, Gisa (1981) On coming and going in English and German. In: Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics 13, 53-68.
--Talmy, L. (1985) Lexicalization patterns: semantic structure in lexical forms. In: Shopen, T. (ed.): Language Typology and Syntactic Description. Vol. 3. Grammatical Categories and the Lexicon. Cambridge, 57-149
Stathis S.
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